Riachi and Kanan to Deman: the remains of reconciliation


The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros Al-Ra, received Patriarch Melhem Riachi and MP Ibrahim Kanaan in the car of MP Kanaan, who led a three-hour retreat during which he organized a lunch. Waleed Ghayyad, the media chief of the building, said that after the meeting of His Beatitude Cardinal Mar, Boutros Al-Ra, with the Arabs of Reconciliation, Minister Melhem Al -Riyashi and Deputy Ibrahim Kanaan have planned to send a message to both concerned, namely the following:

1. Confirmation of the fundamental historical reconciliation that has taken place between the Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement, and not to deflect political differences between them and desire to be complemented by a comprehensive national consensus.

2 – Stop the media speech, which charges and conveys the atmosphere to different levels of politics and media, including all social networks.

3. Invite the parties to develop a mechanism for joint action and communication to regulate the political relations between them which do not last and which are subject to certain rights, in order to include all parties without exception.

4. Accelerate the formation of the government in accordance with the constitutional norms of what constitutes the delay in serious damage to the work of public and private institutions and economic, social and political conditions.

For his part, Minister Melhem Riashi insisted on the invitation of the Patriarch and informed him of all the details of the recent period and the debate and the difference, which reached a certain degree of difficulty between the Lebanese forces and the national current. "I want to take advantage of this platform to confirm, as we have received contacts, as well as current contacts, and also a lot of contacts about Bkirki and the behavior of expatriation and inland that There is fear and reconciliation.

"We badure everyone that this difference is also mentioned in the Declaration of intentions to some extent can happen between two parties, but no reflection on this difference on the reality of the situation and on the ground Is possible neither near nor far "He said.
From his mission, Kanaan pointed out that "reconciliation has taken place and that there is no turning back." He said, "I badure you that reconciliation is sacred and that it is safe. a red line has been completed and put behind us, but we are not a party. On this basis, you must accept your words All the Lebanese who are afraid say: Do not be afraid in politics, there is difference and diversity of opinions and contradictions, but our work, especially after the reconciliation , does not turn into a vertical fracture. What you have heard, will not come back Much qat cut, but the reconciliation remain ".

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