Ronaldo: Italian newspapers talk about realizing the "dream" and "century deal"


"Ronaldo, Realizes the Dream", or "Ennelli (Juventus) did the business of life", to other titles in the Italian newspapers announcing Wednesday the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus Real Madrid for 117 million euros.

La Repubblica wrote on his first page "Cristiano Ronaldo in Juventus: Dream of 117 Million Euros."

The case fever swept the Italian ball and said "Corriere della Sera" after Ronaldo's transfer from Real Madrid where he spent Juventus "Ronaldo, dream come true."

She added: "I had the spark, and now we are enjoying the zl"

"We found him a smirk," he said, " he was also in his arrogant way, through his grips as he flexed his muscles.But the whole stadium applauded him when he scored a spectacular blow to score a historic goal against goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon in Champions League in April. "La Stampa", owned by Fiat, the largest shareholder of Juventus, also said: "The whole world will follow us", while Misaguerro considered that "Incili (president of Juventus)) Realized "Deal of the Century" by contracting with Ronaldo, who has won five gold balls for the best player in the world.

And added: "Dream (golden) has become a reality. Cristiano Ronaldo, the new symbol of Juventus. "

The arrival of the Portuguese star would raise prices for television rights to Serie A, which was evolving under other major European leagues, especially England and Spain.

Lucio Lamberti "Just think that he has 300 million followers on social networking sites and is known around the world and is one of the five most famous people in the world. It's enough to say that there are positive effects not only for Juventus, but for Italian football in general. "

The fans of the old lady were not too happy about Ronaldo's movement and Vittoria Nicolle told APTV that" One day in my life as one of the Juventus fans, of All my heart, because a great player and a great hero will come to Turin, and that will be useful for the city and all the supporters of Juventus. Long live Cristiano Ronaldo. "

Another Juventus fan, Silvio Llorente, said: "I am very excited and hope that this will allow us to win the national league, especially the league. Champions. "

"I think it's a good deal at Mercato (the transfer market)," said Luca Cencello. Cristiano Ronaldo in Turin is very important even for people who do not encourage Juventus, he is a very important figure. "

Ronaldo will undergo a routine medical examination next Monday before being officially introduced to the media at a major demonstration at Juventus Stadium.

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