Ronaldo minimizes Messi and compares them


Ronaldo returns to controversial remarks against Messi

Eurosport Arabia Team

August 13, 2019

The star of the Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo, came back to talk about the Argentine international star Lionel Messi Barcelona Barcelona, ​​where he revealed the difference between them in an exciting speech to the Portuguese international star.

The rocket from Madeira left LaLiga and left Messi, the comparison does not stop between Messi Ronaldo, where fans of one or the other consider their darling star better than their traditional rivals and even better in the history of football.

"I think the difference between Messi and me lies in the fact that I won the Champions League with many clubs and I know this tournament well, unlike Messi, who won it only by Barcelona ", he said in a statement of the Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo.

"Of course, Messi is an excellent player and everyone will remember him through the story, not only for his role in the 5 balloons, but also because he is able to develop his level every year as I do, and it's really cool. "

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Ronaldo talked about his former coach Zinedine Zidane and said: "The confidence that the player needs is not only from the player himself, but also from his teammates and his coach, who is an excellent coach. . "

Cristiano Ronaldo won the 2008 UEFA Champions League with Manchester United, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018 with Real Madrid.

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