Ronaldo with pain: Sergio Ramos Khanni .. He stabbed me in the back


Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid's top scorer, was betrayed by Sergio Ramos, known as Florentino Perez's plan against the Portuguese star a few months ago, before being unveiled and is about to join Juventus. Ronaldo has been one of the biggest supporters of the Portuguese player throughout the season, in front of many stars, especially the Spaniards, including President Florentino B But he has announced in the walls of Real Madrid that & ### 39 he knows Florentino's plan for months, what Ronaldo sees as treason, given the relationship between the two extended since 2009 when the star striker came to Real Madrid

Florentino then said that Ronaldo could not be part of the team because of his age and the ability to play for years longer than the level he knew, What Sergio Ramos accepted more than one times

The President of Real Madrid
The newspaper added: Ronaldo considered what Ramos did as treason, as a blow in the back of the best player in the history of Real Madrid
Ramos stood with Ronaldo in front of the media and even in front of some players Marco Asencio, Danny Sibayos, Lucas Vázquez and Borja Mayoral joined him in facing what they considered the "arrogance" of the Portuguese star.

Ronaldo will leave Madrid after competing in the White Championships of Team 4, Spain Cup and World Cup 3 times.

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