Rouhani in Tramb: Do not mess with the lion's tail

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" Trump does not play with the tail of the lion, this will only regret it, "said Rowhani in front of a crowd of Iranian diplomats.

The Trump administration launches an online speech and communication campaign to help Pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program and support armed groups

More than a dozen current and former officials have declared the campaign, supported by Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and the National Security Advisor John Bolto

The campaign has intensified since Trump has withdrawn from the 2015 agreement signed by seven countries to prevent Iran from manufacturing nuclear weapons.


The Iranian student news agency quoted Rowhani as saying a crowd of Iranian diplomats: "Mr. Trump does not play with the tail of the lion, it will not happen. Only to regret it ", and other Iranian news agencies reported similar reports.

Chen Trump Administration A speech and communication campaign on the Internet to put pressure on the Internet. Iran to stop its nuclear program and support armed groups

More than a dozen current and former officials have declared this campaign backed by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and The National Security Advisor Work together with the Trump Campaign to economically repress Iran by imposing severe sanctions on it.

The intensity of this campaign has increased since Trump's withdrawal from the country. 39, 2015 agreement signed by seven countries to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons

.That the Iranian leader, Ali Khamenei, rejected the idea of ​​negotiating with the United States States.

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