Russia 2018 up to now in the language of the numbers


Sixty years have pbaded since Pele became the fourth teenager to score several goals in a FIFA World Cup ™ match, and Kilian Mbabee became the fifth player to achieve this feat.

48 years have pbaded since one team managed to beat a two-goal deficit in the knockout phase of the FIFA World Cup ™. That's what the Belgian team repeated when they shocked Japan and finally beat them 3-2. The last time this scenario took place was the Mexico City version in 1970, when West Germany beat two goals to beat England 3-0 against two goals for the three lions. .

40 million, the cumulative total number of participants in the FIFA World Cup, reached in Sweden and Switzerland. The most popular version was the United States 1994 (3.59 million), followed by Brazil 2014 (3.43), followed by Germany (3.36), while the number of spectators in the Russian stages 2018 reached 2.58 million.

31 goals out of 146 recorded in Russia 2018 (21%) came after the 80th minute of the game.

28 penalties awarded referees in Russia 2018 up to now, a record in the history of tournament. Of which 21 have been translated into targets.

22 of the 56 games up here ended in the first half with a draw without goals. And only one of them ended the meeting with a draw. There were 37 matches in the tournament before the end of the first match with a negative draw, a record in the history of the FIFA World Cup.

17 matches of the FIFA World Cup ™, raising the badge. It is the extraordinary feat of Rafael Marquez to break the record of Diego Maradona. The Mexican is also the first player to have been crowned in five FIFA World Cups and the third in five editions of the tournament, preceded by Antonio Carbajal and Lothar Matthaeus.

10 goals scored by players in the net by mistake in this tournament, to beat the previous record of six in all games of France 1998. The goal of Aziz Bouhadouz in the goal of his team the most delayed compared to any other goal In the 95th minute of the match against Iran. On the other hand, Sergei Ajankevich has become the oldest player to score the wrong goal of the tournament (he will turn 39 this month), and against Russia in the match against Spain, c & ## s 39th was the third consecutive match in which Russia is celebrating A player for a goal in the window of his team by mistake.

7 consecutive FIFA World Cups saw Mexico eliminated from the knockout stage. In seven and a half hours of play against Brazil in the tournament, Mexico failed to score and conceded 13 goals.

6 goals as captain of the team is what Harry Caen scored to equal the previous record of Maradona. As well as the twenty-four-year index of the number of English goals in a single copy and recorded under the name of Gary Linaker in the 1986 Mexico version.

Three consecutive FIFA World Cups saw the Elimination of title holders of the group stage after repeating the fate of Italy in 2010 and Spain in 2014 for the German team in this version.

3 consecutive games Yeri Mena has made the net shake to become the first defender of Colombia in the history of the FIFA World Cup.

2 The number of guards who managed to face three penalties in a FIFA World Cup match. The irony is that the Croatian Daniel Sopacic did it exactly 12 years after the first time Ricardo did it.

0 percent is the proportion of goals scored by the owners of the No. 8 jersey in the ranks of the English four-game team were resorted to fixed strikes to determine the winner's identity. The disappointing list includes Chris Wadl, David Patti, Frank Lampard and Jordan Henderson, all of whom wore 8 jerseys and failed to score in penalty kicks in 1990, 1998, 2006 and 2018 respectively. However, the success of the Colombian goalkeeper against Henderson's shot in Russia in 2018 did not stop the three blacks from winning the shootout for the first time in the tournament.

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