Russian airstrikes on southwestern Syria after the failure of talks with the opposition


A spokesman for the Syrian armed opposition announced Wednesday that Russian airstrikes targeted south-west Syria for the first time in four days, affecting the cities of Tafs and Sidon. In a statement to Reuters, Abu al-Shaimaa, spokesman for the Central Operations Room in the south, representing the factions of the main Syrian Free Army negotiating with the Russians, With the Russian Enemy

Pro Forces Syrian governments quickly moved into the territory controlled by the armed opposition in the province of Daraa during the past two weeks, supported by a campaign of Russian air raids.

Ibrahim al-Jabbawi, another spokesman for the opposition. Negotiations have resulted in no agreement with the Russian side, which insists on handing over heavy weapons at once rather than gradually, as demanded by the opposition after the return of tens of thousands of Syrians displaced.

Requests [65] The first round of negotiations ended on Saturday with the withdrawal of the opposition delegation, which declared that the conditions imposed by the Russians constituted a humiliating capitulation. Official sources said Jordan managed to convince the opposition delegation to return to the negotiating table.

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