Russian delegation to coordinate the return of the displaced .. And a new record on the ground – Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Hariri met with the Charge d'Affaires of the Russian Embbady and Deputy Military Attaché [Dalalati et Nahra]

. The internal benefit continues on the most intense among those who have spent two months and launch the charge ball of complexity, escalation and encroachment. And the most terrible who declare almost every day the birth of the promised government, resisting the charge of preventing the compatibility of the author. Misty Despite the Sound This region or on the other hand interferes with the right of the government and denies any charge of obstructing attempts to achieve it. The result is so far that the country lives under the authority of an acting government that it fears will last a long time, especially though it is true that some have started to say that the formation of the Government can only take place before the autumn.

And after the stalemate in the formation of the government, will resolve his position on this constitutional process, where he will visit the President of the Republic General Michel Aoun in the coming hours to ask for the same. helps to make definitive decisions about composition, because time can not wait anymore. Al-Gomhuria has learned that Hariri will not bring any new proposals with him, he will also ask to rule on the proposals he has made recently regarding the allocation of ministerial quotas to the parties. who will be represented in the government, he will say to Aoun: "This is my training". "I have no authority to withdraw the mandate from the prime minister to form the new government," he said.

Aoun visitors were quoted in response to a question about the possible withdrawal of Hariri's mandate. "When it was said that President Nabih Berri would convene a parliamentary consultative session to discuss the delay in forming the government, he replied," President Berri can do what he wants, no one is able to disrupt the work of the House of Representatives. Answering a question about what he hoped for from this meeting, he replied: "The House of Representatives can not withdraw the mandate, because this meeting?"

The Dossier of the Displaced
In the meantime , the record of displaced Syrians continues to drive events The Russian-American summit in Helsinki, where Lebanon is still waiting for an official notification from the United States and Russia, to know the seriousness of international attempts to repatriation of the displaced

Where it is planned to be visited by a delegation of R.

The Republic was informed that the delegation included Mr. Alexander Lavratiev, the special envoy of Russian President Vladimir Putin , and the Deputy Special Representative of the President of the Republic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Vrchinin and a number of senior officials of the Russian Central Command of the Russian Army e

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian Ambbadador to Lebanon, Alexander Zaspkin, will lead the Center for the return of Syrian refugees to their homes. The Russian delegation received a meeting between Hariri and the Russian embbady's businessman Vyacheslav Masudov, in the presence of deputy aide Dennis Khitri and Russian affairs adviser George Shaaban, during which they discussed the Russian proposal for the return of displaced persons. Masoudov in Hariri, the arrival of a special representative of the Russian President and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and a representative of the Ministry of Defense in Beirut to discuss the Russian proposal and complete the research.

Major Ibrahim
Director Ibrahim stressed to the "republic" that solving the problem of displaced persons "imposes direct contact with the public security of any party" and stressed the seriousness of dealing with this issue "more than ever calling for the removal of political polarization. "

At that time, after the president's firm stance that" nothing will happen without our knowledge or through us ", said the media office of Hariri in a statement that he commented the developments of the file of Syrian displacement, interpretations and interpretations ", the role of Hariri in the file of the return of the displaced," the responsibilities of the national authorities and National and Governmental, and he categorically rejects the inclusion of this role in the field of some auctions and the national political race on world population gains and useless.Human Prime Minister does not compete in this area with anyone, but he runs to help the Syrian brothers to return home safely and to ease the burden of social and economic displacement on Lebanese society. "

Communication with Syria
Developments and Attitudes, i There were voices calling for the need to communicate with the Syrian regime and direct coordination with the Syrian regime for economic and commercial necessities, and communication for the return of displaced persons, and called for the abolition of the International Criminal Tribunal for Human Rights. Lebanon. "The time has come to stop the mistake of the international tribunal and bring it to Lebanon to complete the search for the truth, with the possibility of using international judges."

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Kbadem said that "the Lebanese economy can benefit from the Syrian economy only through an agreement between the two governments".

Hamada calls for "pungent voices that try to prevent understanding with Syria".
Minister Marwan Hamadeh told the "Republic": "The scene of these days brings us back to the pre-badbadination of Prime Minister Rafic Hariri: we see direct targeting by disrupting government formation and intimidation of the President-elect, and by transferring Lebanon to a new slavery and the elimination of its Arab and international relations.Efforts to expel Hariri will not succeed, no one will follow the dictates that are familiar to us and that we will overcome and not will not allow us to occupy our political space.No normalization with the Syrian regime only after a balanced solution acceptable to Lebanon, Arab and international and especially Syria.It is, by all left and after the end of a war is still, despite the manifestations of the dominance of the field, continuous and open to all possibilities.As for the new attack on the Tribunal in International has no horizon, especially since it was established by an international resolution under Chapter VII and continues at least until the final verdict in the future. Prime Minister Rafic Hariri's case. We say: catching up with the ruins of the Syrian economy and the deterioration of the structure of the Iranian economic system does not push us to adopt out of date, obsolete economic schools isolated from the world and from the age and all the financial rules, monetary and economic.

Mansour al-Gomhuriya
On the other hand, MP Albert Mansour insisted on the need to communicate with the Syrian regime: "In the end, it is necessary to restore normal relations with the Syrian regime because it is not necessary." There is no solution to the outstanding problems between Lebanon and Lebanon. Syria will only cross Syria is also our land route to the Arab interior, and it is impossible to protect the interests of Lebanon without understanding the regime. "Syria is on the verge of rebuilding what is destroyed, a historic opportunity for Lebanon to contribute to reconstruction."

On opposing voices, Mansour said, "In the end, Prime Minister Hariri will inevitably go in that direction." He said "what he did in the case of the displaced is not his powers, but the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is also Foreign Affairs that naturally restores relations in Lebanon and the decision is made by the Council of Ministers. It is true that the government is doing business today, but there is a foreign minister to do his homework. "" The return of displaced people is urgent and necessary. He ruled out the March 14 return, calling the votes "only for arrogance and raising the price." He said, "In the end, they will slowly deal with the harsh reality for them after the Syrian regime regains some of its health."

19659008] The former general secretary of the Ba'ath party in Lebanon, former deputy Assem Qansouh, told the "Republic": "The interests of Lebanon must first be inspected: what is the benefit of the policy of "distancing"? Since the time of President Michel Suleiman, we have refused to speak with the Syrian regime: "OK, and then," we have 1.5 million Syrian refugees on our land, who consume our water, our electricity and our infrastructure. He stressed that "Prime Minister Hariri should make the decision to return to normal relations with Syria and without any background," he added, adding, "We must not echo the Israeli-Syrian conflict" . The future bloc, which met under the leadership of Hariri in calling for the annulment of the international tribunal, "unequivocally demonstrated that the court went a long way in showing the truth and realizing the right to this great national cause. " The tribunal "is one of the resolutions of international legitimacy to which Lebanon is fully committed", warning that "the return to interrogations and his work open the door to the return of the stage of division and dissensions that ensue" . In order to preserve the security and stability in Lebanon. "

Delivery of the bodies of the dead
At this, the command of the army handed over the bodies of seven of the eight dead to their loved ones fallen during the raid on the house of the researcher Ali Zeid Ismail, Hussein Ali al-Matar, and the Lebanese: Mohamed Ze Ishmael, Ahmed Ali Ishmael, Yahya Ahmed Ismail, Zeinab Mohammed Ismail and Paul Naaman, who were inside the house of the wanted man Ismail during the Operation

Abandoned Syrian plane
Regionally, Israel yesterday announced the killing of a Syrian … He said he entered the airspace under his control over the heights of the Golan he was occupying, which Damascus denied, claiming that the Israeli raid on this plane had taken place in Syrian airspace while he was involved in raids against Syrian militants " Near Damascus, the pilot was killed.

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