Samsung develops a new smart phone with 3 different screens


  Samsung develops a new smart phone with 3 different screens
Samsung develops a new smart phone with 3 different screens

Our News Samsung has launched a new patent for smart phones equipped with 3 different screens, a new phone smart with three different screens, and a new smart phone with three different screens. The patent granted was included Lea from the South Korean company has four possible models with similar characteristics, with slight variations.

The patent shows that some of these phone designs are supported by two display screens, although each one has a different thickness of the frame.The first model has a long screen at the front and back. Back without incision in front of me. You expect the headphones and front camera to be integrated under the screen.

  Samsung Design Phones "src =" 85 -% D9% 87% D9% 88% D8% A7% D8% AA% D9% -81% D8% B3% D8% A7% D9% 85% D8% B3% D9% 88% D9% 86% D8% AC <br /><span>  The design of Samsung phones </span> </div>
<p>  The third model represents a smartphone similar to the models of old Samsung phones with a 16: 9 screen and a physical button In front of me, without front camera, the phone will be equipped with only one rear camera, and there is a new smartphone model with 3 different screens. </p>
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<p>  Source: <span clbad= The seventh day

  Jihad al-Zwaid