Samsung develops curved batteries for its folding phone


2018-07-05 10:18:38 [News] The South Korean tech giant Samsung is leading the race to build folding smart phones with the development of curved batteries that can produce them in large numbers. Is this a way to manufacture a large capacity battery that can store between 3000 and 6000 mA These new batteries are far from the flexible design of the Samsung SDI battery installed for four years with a capacity of 210 mA.

From only a flexible screen, where it may also be necessary to have a component inside is curved, which can be one of the reasons why such phones do not have not been delayed so far. Samsung Display is also expected to launch the process of producing OLED panels for smartphones.

OLED panels serve as a secret weapon to save the South Korean society from a sluggish growth in the field of smart phones, considering that Samsung has no alternative but d & # 39; # 39; introduce folding smart phones to increase the utilization rate and reduce the gap with Chinese companies. For sources, Samsung Displays With the intention of building a pilot line to produce OLED folding screen and quickly enter the production process, this line plans to improve this line and to move to the second phase in September after improving the problems and improving the manufacturing process. Quality is in the production phase.

This should be accomplished before the end of this year, with a production capacity of up to 100 thousand plates, while the company plans to produce about a million plates next year . Display of a test line for OLED panels In January, Samsung announced that it was preparing to produce foldable panels without specifying a precise timetable.

The South Korean giant has been trying to manufacture a folding screen since 2011, when it introduced a prototype, indicating at the time the screen can be opened and closed 100,000 times before its brightness does not drop by 6%, but we still do not know what will look like the collapsible phone Samsung, now called Galaxy X, which should be available in the next year

The Samsung Galaxy X is supposed to have a huge screen , so the battery will And the screen is supposed to measure 7.3 inches in the ceiling and 4.5 inches when folded, and the information on the cost of the phone will be about 1850 US dollars when It is issued, making it the most expensive phone of the company at all, With the possibility of lowering this price in order to increase Samsung's competitive advantage.

Added: July 5, 2018 October 21, 1439
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