Satellites fly near the earth


The global aerospace industry is currently experiencing a new type of race: the production of satellites flying in low orbits, whose maximum altitude is between 500 and 1,200 kilometers, relative to the current orbital height of the satellites, which corresponds to at the height of the geostationary orbit. The constant required to complete a complete Earth orbit is about 36,000 kilometers.

According to Bloomberg News, Elon Musk, Tesla founder and entrepreneur Jeff Bezos, is one of the most prominent players in the race. Mask held the race for the first time.

When its SpaceX-based company launched its first 60 satellites out of 12,000 in May, the company plans to launch them into low-altitude orbits and Mask's vision of succeeding in the race is his. The name "Starlink", an integrated network that transmits high-speed Internet services to land-based sites.

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