Scenes to free the Syrian army Tel el Hara in southern Syria


  Scenes of the Liberation of the Syrian Army Tel Al Hara Southern Syria

youtube / Anna News

Scenes of the Liberation of Tel-Hara

Scenes exhibited for the first time to operations of the Syrian Army and soldiers of the "Tigers" appeared during the liberation of the hill's strategic hill and his entry into the city of Hara.

Syrian forces appear in the video, executing violent military operations against the Victory Front terrorists in the northern Daraa countryside, leading to the liberation of the strategic hill and the entrance of military units in the city. The Syrian army launched a military operation towards Tel al-Harah from the city of Zomrin, in the middle of a shooting of artillery and rockets at the terrorist groups of the hill, and the main points strategic on the southern front dominated the strategic hill. The function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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