In recent days, a team of Israeli scientists has announced that it has developed a global cancer drug capable of treating people with the disease within one year. According to Cancer Research UK, the number of cancer deaths worldwide is 9.6 million. But experts now claim that the comments of Israeli researchers on the development of an anti-cancer drug are illogical.
According to an article in the New York Times, the Israeli biotechnology company AEBi is responsible for the development of this distinctive drug. Dr. Ilan Morad, biochemist and general manager of the company, said that cancer was becoming resistant to treatment due to mutations, a phenomenon known today. "Instead of attacking the receptors, a future every time, we attack three receptors simultaneously, no type of cancer can produce three mutations at the same time, but contrary to what it says, it is known that cancer can be caused by a single mutation and even tens of thousands of mutations.
In response to comments from Israeli society, an American cancer society has published an article explaining why the claims of Israeli society are false. The Americans say, among other things, that the method proposed by Israeli researchers is not unique and that similar methods have failed when used in previous research to treat cancer.
The treatment developed by scientists these days is called MuTaTo. They claim that it does not cause any complications. "The drug for cancer treatment will be effective from the first day and will continue to be for a few days, but it does not cause side effects, or minimal side effects," said Dan Arredor, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee. "The cost of treatment will be much lower than other treatments available on the market.The solution we propose will be both commercial and personal."
This is not the first time that researchers have proposed a "breakthrough in the treatment of cancer". This phenomenon is known to thousands of oncologists worldwide, but it has been found in most cases that misleading information is not based on reliable research.
According to various scientists, it is inconceivable that there is a cure for "all types of cancer", especially since it is inconceivable that society has conducted research on all types of cancer . This process requires enormous resources and years of research.
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