Security services reveal secret body found in Nini's house


CAIRO – Egyptian security services revealed on Saturday the mystery of an unidentified body discovered by a football player in the Egyptian football team.

The security services of Al Gharbia governorate, in northern Egypt, received a message from Naser al-Nani, father of the Egyptian National Football Team, who is a professional of ranks of Arsenal.

It was discovered that the villa was under construction and that the body had been found in decomposition. Immediately, a research team was formed to uncover the mystery of the incident.

The investigation and examination of the papers found at the deceased revealed that the body of a robabicia vendor – outdated tools and furniture – was in his thirties, while the report of the 39; health inspector revealed that the cause of death had been electrocuted and had occurred a week ago.

The investigation revealed that the victim had entered the villa to steal copper electrical cables. She was electrocuted and immediately killed.

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