Mohamed Carter, the husband of Egyptian artist Shaima Seif, sent a romantic message to his wife on the occasion of his birthday on August 6th.
Carter's letter to Shaima said: (Photo of Mkhaddh's screen shot from my eyes, I saw Shushu Keda and not Hatkber in my eyes because she's not my woman, but my daughter who is happy and happy to sleep in a child and Bshwhaha in Zaalha and a girl who laughs).
He added, "Today we celebrate the birthday of my daughter, my darling, my friend, my sister, my wife, and my mother." Today, our Lord, we made a gift to make the Arab world happy with its lightness and laughter that heals hearts and treats people from depression.Your hand because I felt so strong that I had).
He concluded by saying: (Before I knew you, I was laughing and shivering, but when I was sitting with myself, Btktob now, you make me laugh and breathe, I love you, I do boil my age every year and you are in my heart and on my knees and our Lord never deprives me of you).
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