Shakira opens rice festivals in Lebanon and salutes the land of his ancestors – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News



Colombian singer Shakira opened Friday night international rice festivals in northern Lebanon, expressing her happiness on the ground. His grand-parents. "I love Lebanon and I love Lebanese very much," said the 41-year-old singer at the opening of the Arabic concert for the audience of 13,000 people. It's the land of my ancestors and I'm proud of my roots. I am very happy to be here. And since I decided to come to Lebanon and I long the moment of your meeting. "

And raised a lot of audience, which was dominated by the Lebanese media youth with pictures of the singer and banners written" Shakira love you. "Shakira thanked her for" l & rsquo; "Warm welcome" and noted that the rice area "is a lovely place and I am lucky to sing here tonight in this place surrounded by mountains and the rice reserve which is considered one of the few places in the world. "

" It's been a long time since I've visited Lebanon. "Shakira came to Lebanon for the first time in June 2003 during a visit to her family's home in Zahle, in East of the country and then a concert in Beirut in May 2011. During the many applause and applause, Shakira approached The black pants were tightly transparent in some parts and a black jacket of the public squeezed the In the front rows, a young man seizes the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek.

During the day, Shakira visited Tannourine in northern Lebanon, where his grandmother's family was descended from his family. father, and planted two trees in the Cedar Forest Reserve, one in his name and the other in the name of his family.

Local authorities decided to release Shakira Mubarak (his last Lebanese name) ) in a protected forest courtyard, the Mayor of Baha & Harb, who handed him a map of Lebanon made of cedar wood, said the Lebanese writer Gibran Khalil Gibran.

This concert is part of a world tour titled El Dorado, the title of the singer's eleventh album in his journey of more than a quarter of a century.

Shakira is the best-selling Colombian artist with over 140 million albums sold worldwide. She has also received dozens of awards, including 13 Grammy Awards and three Grammy Awards.

Source: Al Hayat

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