Shanghai under the influence of "Ambil": heavy rain, the cancellation of hundreds of flights


Hurricane "Ambil" has reached the city of # Shanghai today, the financial center of China, causing heavy rains and disruption of transportation and navigation.

Chinese Central Television (CCTV) reported that authorities have canceled more than 600 flights from the city's airports, while also affecting express train services.

The National Meteorological Center said that the typhoon had reached the island of Chongming, about 45 km east of the city, at winds of about 100 km / h near the eye of the cyclone.

Authorities in the city have already evacuated 190,000 coastal areas in the morning, reported Xinhua news agency.

reported that authorities have reported more than 42,500 people in neighboring provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. More than 28,000 vessels, including 22,900 fishing vessels, returned to Zhejiang port.

Heavy rains and thunderstorms have hit China in recent weeks, causing chaos, with floods destroying large bridges, closing roads, stopping rail services and forcing thousands of people to leave their homes. v, n, t, s)
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