Shehayeb has confirmed his interest in the public school that welcomes everyone


The Minister of Education, Akram Shuhaib, expressed his interest in this expensive region after having met with a delegation of schools and liberal professions from the Choueifat region and instructed Maya Samaha of follow up with officials and conduct a needs survey. "Prepare a copy of the needs of schools to follow and secure before the new school year."

He stressed his interest in "the official school that encompbades everyone", referring to "series and budget laws that prevented the new contract and new job," emphasizing "cooperation with managers and the management to distribute the hours to teachers of homeowners and former entrepreneurs, "reiterating the emphasis on" Find a seat for every student who knows and welcome those attending public school. "

He explained "that it is important to move to collecting schools with international funding, to control waste, to improve the quality and lighten the administrative and operational burdens, as well as to provide safe school transport ", highlighting" the pressure on the public school because of the success achieved in the official certificates and the economic situation of the country ", stressing that he would not do it. "Any teacher except where he needs surplus."

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