The malware known as "Shimon" was attacked again this month after two years of absence, targeting new institutions in the Middle East. Simon's latest attacks have a multiplier effect because of the new malware that erases files from target computers before the main "Shimon" program deletes all the main boot files.
The news of these attacks was first announced on Dec. 10 when Saipem Oil Services said it had been the victim of computer attacks on its servers in the Middle East. Two days later, the company said that Shimon had been used during the attack, which had killed 300 to 400 servers and up to 100 PCs.
The latest attacks include another new malicious program, which destroys the files and overwrites them on the infected computer. At the same time, Shimon clears the computer's main boot record, rendering it unusable.
It should be noted that the "Shimon" software is active in 2016, because active malware exists every few years, forcing institutions to remain vigilant and to ensure that all data is properly supported. a strong security strategy.
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