The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Akram Shuhaib, announced, during his tour in the western Bekaa and Rashaya, accompanied by the Minister of Industry, Wael Abu Faour, that he "was to leave the sects of a larger world and move away from regionalism and sectarianism, as well as from a national book in the public schools with the most this country. "
"It is customary for parties to intervene and for political leaders and events to say that we want the director to do it," he said, "which is why we have made a decision. transparency, there will be a fairly respectful committee at the Ministry of Education.
He added: "After the interviews, this committee has selected three names through which one of these names can be chosen as the director of a school.This year we will apply this topic and we started with ourselves."
"Transfers will only happen where there is a surplus and a need for the second school," he said.
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