"Short shorts" provoke controversy in Lebanon – Video – Today


Controversy persists in Lebanon over the decision of the city of Broummana in the governorate of Jabal Lebanon to hire university students to help police organize traffic in the city during the summer holidays, according to the website "Ir News."

Short or "hot shorts", during work, is a prerequisite for a new BBC theme, whose report is titled "Mayor who wants bady policewomen."

  http://www.alyaam24.com/ "

According to Mayor Pierre Ashkar," the purpose of the decision is to attract more tourists and create a kind of shock, from "Urge the media to" Some see the wearing of shorts by female students as bad, while others see it as normal, "said Ashkar in a press release Saturday, declaring himself surprised by the "controversy caused by the appearance of students in shorts".

In turn, some residents of the tourist city have poorly described the appearance of students, while others have found that the appearance of "the most beautiful police in the world".

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