Signs of narcissistic personality in children


Monitoring the growth of a child's personality should be important to parents because early interventions help them build a successful and successful personality.

The narcissistic child loves the fantasies in which he controls others and rejects the limits set for his social role

The narcissistic child believes that the world revolves around him for his own singularity, and his need to prove it becomes more urgent And he turns to the sources of science and education when he loves the subject that he learns alone, otherwise he jumps on subjects that are not the cause his brilliance and superiority, when he does not receive praise.

According to Dr. Karen Kimberly, Child Psychiatrist: "A narcissistic child can not sympathize with others or feel warm to them because of his own sense of disfigurement. Because of its lack of reciprocity by others, the child is too interested and does not want to tell others. "

The Social Side Because the narcissistic child believes himself superior, he can not admit his error, refuses to take responsibility for his actions and shows no remorse when he 39, it hurts the feelings of others


On the other hand, the narcissistic child lacks the sympathy of others, does not have friends, but uses his colleagues for his own purposes.

The narcissistic child tells lies to avoid trouble, blame others rather than confess his mistakes, and not hesitate to steal and justify his behavior when one discovers what he has done The narcissistic child loves the fantasies in which he controls others and rejects the restrictions imposed on him or the limits imposed on his social role.

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