So as not to take responsibility for epidemics of diseases and epidemics


Kafremman Mayor Ybader Ali Ahmed announced his resignation from the mayor because of the waste crisis.

In a statement issued by the National Media Agency: "Given the worsening of the waste crisis in Kafr Rumman and in the absence of solutions available following the closure of some discharges by judicial decisions, we respect his son and other sanctuaries by unfair political decisions, the Lebanese government is unable to resolve this crisis and I can not badume responsibility for the spread of diseases, epidemics and diseases. And Yale TS more than one case of diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to the cases of itching between the people of the cities honored, and I can not badume this responsibility, but I ask the state and the government to badume its responsibilities in this regard. "

He adds:" There are many problems beyond my control to prevent the city council and its role in the development and service of Kafrraman, and I carry this responsibility unfairly and devoid of morals and values. I announced my resignation from the presidency and members of the Kufrman municipality to return to my natural place in front of the courts arcades and justice, and the cities of Beirut that ignited my dignity and dignity, unlike some sons of my hometown Kafrarman who eat me unjustly and aggressively. Kufrman loves them and Aroram and the evil authoritarian mentality. "

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