South African Health Minister tries to alleviate concerns over health care bill


The South African Minister of Health said he was confident that the bill would create a successful model of comprehensive health care in the country.

The bill, which Mukhaiz presented to parliament last week, also provides for a package of free and comprehensive health services in public and private health facilities as part of the government's attempt to provide more equitable access to health services. quality health care.

A large number of people will benefit, including prisoners, refugees, permanent residents and all children from South Africa.

This will be done by setting up the fund for the national health insurance bill.

But many political parties and many organizations, including the South African Private Practitioners Forum, have raised doubts about the bill, calling it unrealistic, too costly and potentially damaging to the health sector especially when the country is facing a financial crisis.

On Tuesday, the opposition Democratic Alliance (AD) called for urgent legal advice on the constitutionality of the national health insurance bill, which would paralyze the economy.

The party also insists that the bill aims to radically change health care policy in South Africa by creating a state-owned entity to unify all the funds within the public health system and private.

In response to suspicions, Mukhaiz pointed out that the bill will not guide the health sector into a financial crisis.

"The problem is not knowing if there is something wrong with the private sector, the public and private sectors have to be reorganized and that's what we do." It's not like we're taking money from one side and giving it to another. "

The minister added that the reality must be a more equitable redistribution of resources within the system itself.

On Monday, the bill was referred to Parliament's Securities and Portfolio Committee for deliberation, the first step for Parliament's adoption.

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