South Korea is the world's largest maker of fifth-generation phones


South Korea is expected to see the largest use of fifth generation (5G) phones in the world in the next two years.

Analysts said Sunday that the fifth-generation mobile phone penetration rate in South Korea is expected to reach 5.5% in 2019 and 10.9% in 2020, with South Korea leading the world's largest economies.

The estimate is based on the fact that South Korea will market its fifth generation networks next March, becoming the first country in the world to do so, with Samsung Electronics Corp. planning to launch the first smartphones for the fifth generation network.

LG Electronics also plans to launch a fifth-generation smart phone during the first half of next year in South Korea and the United States.

The market share of fifth-generation phones will reach 4.7% in the United States, 5.2% in Japan and 2.8% in China by 2020, said Analystix, adding that phone penetration of fifth generation would increase since then, in parallel with the creation of a broader network Fifth generation.

By 2021, the adoption of fifth-generation phones will reach 27% in the United States, 21.3% in South Korea, 19.7% in Japan and 8.5% in China.

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