"Spiritual" Threats to Close the Strait of Ormuz and the "Soleimani" .. Desperate Attempts to Recover Lost Hegemony


Iran has experienced a confused week at home and abroad, highlighting the fragility of the Tehran regime, its inability to cope with the dangers surrounding it and its inability to manage more of a file at the same time. They issued irresponsible "Antar" permits, an attempt described by some as a desperate attempt by Iranian leaders to restore their lost prestige.

Iran is witnessing public protests at home, led by young people who regard this as their own payment of the Khamenei regime's greed, the goods of their country, which export about two million barrels of crude per day, are rejected J cabinets Alaharbih regulations. According to the newspaper "preceded"

and eruption of the Iranian demonstrations, because of the deterioration of the situation, where poverty and misery among the Iranian people, and unemployment, and the value of the Iranian currency against the US dollar Tehran authorities The ranks of young people, in a "futile" scene, were condemned by the world, who saw that Iran was wading and did not know what to do to restore its situation and to heal its wounds after the recent US settlement by withdrawing from the nuclear deal last May. Iran

The consequences of the withdrawal of the United States Of the nuclear agreement, embodied in the difficulties and major challenges, which collide with Iran now, at the peak of oil sales, and thus securing the funds needed to implement political and terrorist plans in the region. The United States has warned European companies to deal with Iran or export oil overseas, which has sowed terror in the Iranian regime.

Iran's first consumer permits, issued by President Hbadan Rowhani, publicly threatened that regional oil exports would be threatened if Washington tried to pressure the countries of the world to stop them. To buy crude oil in Iran. They do not understand the meaning of this statement because it makes no sense not to export Iranian oil, while oil from the region is exported, "said Rohani Monday night during a visit. in Switzerland

Hbadan Rowhani was not threatened for hours, but was supported by Qods Force Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Qbadim Soleimani, who was in charge of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps. Who praised the threat and hailed the obstruction of oil exports to the region if Iran's oil sales were blocked: "I'm waiting for this", he said, referring to Rohani

. When IAEA director, Yukiya Amano, threatened that Iran would reduce its cooperation with the IAEA to the UN, in the context of the global rejection of Iran's quest for weapons of mbad destruction. Iran 's key figures have always been for peaceful purposes and will determine the level of its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The same day, Ismail Kothari, leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard The closure of the Strait of Hormuz, if the United States decided to block the supply of Iranian oil. "If they want to stop Iranian oil exports, we will not allow any oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz," the Iranian news agency YJC quoted by Kothari said.

Hours later, a German decision to arrest an Iranian diplomat Instead of dealing with this incident with Iranian caution and diplomacy, the Tehran Foreign Ministry announced that it was convening the ambbadadors of Belgium and France and the German Ambbadador ad interim under the arrest warrant requested by France

. About the frustration "Terrorist attack" to target a conference of the National Council of Resistance of Iran's opposition (NCRI) near Paris on June 30. According to the Belgian accusation, two Belgian nationals in Brussels, an Iranian diplomat in Germany and two suspects in France were arrested during the attack. The Belgian authorities explained that the diplomat was born in 1971 and works at the Iranian Embbady in the Austrian capital Vienna

Analysts point out that the threats of Iranian officials, still in the context of media consumption, n & # 39 are more for the purpose of maintaining the prestige of the state. Daily Iranian internal demonstrations, pointing out that these threats have been accustomed to Khamenei's organization for decades, but he could not apply any on the ground because he does not have the ability to fight countries around the world that recognize that Iran is a terrorist state. ] (function (d, s, id) {
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