'Strange creature & # 39; scares the shores of Morocco !!


A strange creature has raised terror on the shores of Moroccan cities overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Users of social networking sites have seen images of the creature appeared in the waters of Rabat, Bouznika and Haroura, in western Morocco.

Biologists warned of the danger of the strange object, called "Portuguese warrior", scientifically known as "Visalia vesalis", according to the "Sputnik" agency.
According to biologist Fahad Hajji, the length of the creature's arms can reach up to 50 meters in the water, but they contract once they leave their natural habitat.
Hajji pointed out that touching the creature causes severe burns accompanied by local or general muscle pains, or respiratory discomfort. The Department of Maritime Fisheries advised the Portuguese Navy to gently remove the probes using paper, a piece of plastic, a crust or a piece of paper. So, a piece of seaweed.
It is also recommended not to rinse the wound with vinegar, saliva, urine or fresh water, but to rinse it gently if necessary with water See your doctor if pain persists.

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