Strengths and the Current: Basil's Goals and Geagea's Stories – The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


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Source: Electronic Cities Journal – Munir Al Rabee


Author: The Electronic Spider

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The forces consider that Bbadil can not continue without differences and wars with the others

to bring about the secret agreement between the Forces Lebanese and the Patriotic Movement Free to the public,, and go to rock climbing relentlessly. A few days after the meeting between President Michel Aoun and party leader Samir Geagea, the agreement is leaked. This means that the story between the two sides has exploded, and hopes are no longer attached to a positive here or communication channel from there. Geagea came out of the presidential palace optimistic and rebadured, he had news from Aoun to make sure of the agreement and the need to complete it. Therefore, he quickly contacted Foreign Minister Gebran Bbadil, to set a date for Information Minister Melhem Riyashi, and activate the communication channel. The meeting took place between Riyashi and Basil, but its content was contrary to all positive expectations. Basil insisted on his position.

The troops were surprised by the mechanism of use of the current with them, and considered that they were subject to maneuvers. In meetings, you hear positive speeches, but in the media and leaks, the escalation goes in another direction, which is the pursuit of correction and targeting of Arabs, and the adjustment of the Agreement and its contents. The forces have long advocated the publication of the Maarab document, which stipulates a fair share of ministerial seats between parties. While current responses were that ministerial representation must be based on election results, the troop share will be double the share of the troops.

MP George Adwan, one of the leading manufacturers and manufacturers of the agreement, was the first to talk about its clauses. Said that the agreement expressly provided for equality. Two days after Aoun and Ja'e had met in the palace, Bbadil ridiculed the actions of their ministers and accused them of disrupting the alliance and conspiring against it, especially during the resignation of Saad Hariri from Riyadh. The parties agree that the agreement was terminated and terminated. The dispute remains as to who forgave the agreement and wanted to bury him.

Since the formation of the first Hariri government in the presidential state of Aoun, the conflict was clear between the forces and the current, the administrative and judicial appointments, the diplomatic appointments, a fierce war to the Agenda and the decisions taken at each session. The forces were subjected to a total abolitionist war. The election phase was a key milestone in the face and headquarters of the forces, and the items in their ministries were not included in the agendas of the government meetings. Invite the ministers of the forces to shout more than once. At that time, harmony was a master in the relationship between Hariri and Basil. Consular forces have long criticized the discretion to deal with them. And has reached the limits of the question of who puts the agenda in the blink of an eye Basil chain.

The differences widened, blocking all the projects of the forces, while the ministers opposed many transactions in communications and electricity, which were the result of a agreement between the future and the Free Patriotic Movement. Both sides wanted to seize the moment of retaliation after the resignation of Hariri and tried to make cabinet reshuffle to remove government ministers. This business collided with a solid interior and exterior wall. But the current has not forgotten and does not want to sleep on what it considers as such. After the end of the parliamentary elections, the attempts consisted of embarrbading the forces to bring them out, breaking their part and breaking the agreement of equality.

In his appearance on television, Bbadil led the heaviest attacks against the troops, despite the consensus on a lull in the media. The forces felt that the current went out of the arrangement, and did not respect the truce, had to be answered. The answers have accelerated. While Basil said that he intended to bring a secret understanding with him to watch the content. The troops did hours later, so that the commitment could move to a new stage. Here, the troops understood the message. Required to be scaled. Unable to estimate the truth of the situation, if Bbadil insisted to show the calm that President Aoun wanted fragile, or that there is some maneuver, and a cover of the presidency to the current presidency to hit the forces. Some consider that the transfer of Aoun Geagea to Basil, a message of intention to strike and reduce forces.

Maarab resorted to an alternative plan, launched the attack. It started with Deputy Prime Minister Ghbadan Hasbani, who answered Basil with a question: "On which planet did Gibran Bbadil live?" In addition, the forces consider that Basil seeks to confiscate the powers of the President of the Republic, after several attempts to interfere in the powers of the Prime Minister during training. That's what MP Wahbi Qatisha says explicitly. But the forces will work to counter these attempts by preparing a front to translate the actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In the mold of the free patriotic movement, the war became clear. Contacts between MP Ibrahim Kanaan and Minister Al-Riyashi have been frozen. And refuse to speak right now, because their mission is a bit of a failure and not an escalation. In this atmosphere, it is better to remain silent and wait. Everyone returns to Basil's position. They accuse the forces of being out of Maarab's agreement since the president was elected to attack the government and its policies and demand his resignation, in addition to supporting the controversial dismissal of Hariri from Riyadh. In addition, the Aounis say that Murab's understanding was to support the Pact and support the options of the Free Patriotic Movement, and that the troops did not do it. This is proof that they are out of the understanding. Therefore, it is no longer acceptable to continue when it suits them, and he rejects it when he collides with his ambitions.

MP Ziad al-Aswad is almost the most outspoken in his position. There are those who believe that at this point it reflects what is going on in Basil's head. "There is an agreement, but if a party wants to get out, it's fine, like a couple who does not agree, and then they go to secession" Black said. A clear position in black: "The agreement has fallen, and there is no need to continue."

The agreement was perhaps twofold: to elect a president and to pbad an electoral law. After the election another word, the mainstream began to practice it. Both sides retain their divergent options, neither the troops are willing to concede, nor the mainstream mobilized, which jeopardizes the process of forming a government. Some consider that conflict is a reflection of what can come from outside. The Aounites accuse the forces of acting on behalf of the Saudi Crown Prince, and not Aoun. The troops say the Aounis should know that in Lebanon there is no Crown Prince in the presidency. That's what Basil should understand.

Despite the fact that the forces considered that they had been stabbed and misunderstood as a result of the understanding of Ma-Arab and its non-application, they are looking at several of the positive aspects of what s & rsquo; Happened, including revealing the contents of the secret understanding. First, the troops achieved a Christian unity in the delivery of a strong president of the republic. This is a custom that must be designed. Secondly, he obtained a patent in the Christian Street, which was hesitant about him, and reflected in the parliamentary elections. After the publication of the contents of the agreement, the positive elements can accumulate. He seems to respect his agreements, Bbadil signs his signature and breaks any agreement that does not correspond to his interests. The goal here is to go to Christian Street and other political forces that build trust with Basil. Is a warning warning the political forces that Basil, out of any agreement when some data change, or no appropriate circumstances, and does not proceed in the understanding of the principles. The goal is beyond mere controversy. An open war in the Christian arena and letters of strength to the opponents. Hezbollah is more than watching, perhaps more concerned.

The forces consider that Basil can not continue without differences and without wars with the others. Before the elections, I set up a problem with President Nabih Berri to strengthen the nerve. And then wants to continue the conflict with the forces, to blind or forget the differences in the present life and to suffer from it. Therefore, replace them strengthen through the wars that he opens. The war against the forces gives him more legitimacy in the current, which now suffers multiple crises and wing struggle within one house, and disagreements over the minister. It is certain, according to the forces, that the current goes to several divisions on the failure of the agreements of Basil. But he needs these conflicts to stay strong.

Source: Journal of Electronic Cities Munir al-Rabee

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