Sudden decision to Real Madrid to compensate Ronaldo! – News Compass Website


Real Madrid names Cavani to succeed Ronaldo

Only two weeks after the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus Real Madrid has made little progress in his quest for his successor at Santiago Bernabeu

. Ronaldo, of course, is a huge loss for Real Madrid and will not be compensated by the soft matter . The Royal Team relied on Madera missile figures during its stay in Madrid as one of the most important factors in resolving titles.

Real Madrid wants Neymar to be the successor of the Portuguese star .

Kilian Mbabey and Eden Hazzard were two other names badociated with the club in recent months.

But according to AS, Real Madrid is ready to enter. A completely new trend, and is a contract with the European marker Iden Sun Cavani.

Real Madrid wants to exploit the physical situation of Paris Saint Germain which will make him sell one of his stars in order to avoid the penalties for having spent clean money, so the contract with Cavani does not have any money. is not only to strengthen the attack.

The Uruguay International scored 40 goals in 48 matches last season with the Paris Saint Germain team and 49 goals in 50 matches.

Being revealed to be one of the best strikers in the football world. At the last World Cup, Real believes that he can replace the empty Ronaldo 16] window. Gcfg = {lang: fr-US};
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