Symposium on the "royal films" of Palestinian cinema Nakba


Amman – Al Rai

Palestine Film Nakba (The Palestinian Nakba in Arab Cinema), organized in cooperation with the Palestine Film Festival, will be held at the headquarters of the Royal Film Commission at 8:00 pm Monday through Wednesday. next week. The first Egyptian novel, "The Sun Gate: The First Part", was directed by Yusri Nasrallah and is based on the novel by the Lebanese writer Elias Khoury, played by Nasrallah in two parts. Palestinian Yunus, who leaves his village in 1948 to join while his wife Nehila remains committed to stay in his village Jalil

For twenty years, Yunus infiltrates Lebanon in Galilee to meet his wife in the cave of the Sun and begs him to return to Lebanon. A selection of Jordanian and Arab actors and actors, including Nadra Omran and Mahtasab Aref, presented the film outside of the official competition at the Cannes Film Festival and was selected by Time magazine as the # 39. one of the 10 best films presented in 2004

On the short film Arabian Nights of the Lebanese Hadi Zakkak, "Arabian Nights" tells the story of Al Serr P in the context of the myth Arab-Israeli Arabian Nights.

Shahriar Sheherazade tells the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp. Sindbad and Ali Baba try to help Alaa El Din

There is also the documentary film "Dreams of Exile" by Mai El Masri, in which is told the story of two Palestinian girls : Mona from Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon. From Palestine in 1948, and Manar from Dheisheh camp in Palestine. The film explores the strong links between a generation of young people with visions of occupation and displacement during their lifetime.

Among the films are the film "Port of Memory" by Kamal Jaafari A drama about the history of Jaffa – a flourishing coastal city where he was focusing on his mother's family in case of deportation if she could not prove that the house she had lived in for decades belonged to her and represented the structural narrative of life in a vibrant neighborhood. Fights at the creation of the Israeli entity

The festival ends with the feature film "The Time Remaining" by director Elia Suleiman, which is similar to biographies, in four parts, about the director's family of 1948 until recently, inspired by the father's diaries Since his fight against the resistance in 1948 and his mother's letters to family members who were forced to leave the country, as well as his beloved memories of his parents, the film tries to capture the daily life of Palestinians who stayed at home, Arabs from Israel "and live as a minority" The Palestinian Nakba in Arab Cinema ", with the participation of each of the guests of the celebration: Egyptian director Yusri Nasrallah, Lebanese director Hadi Zakkak, artistic director and founder of Palestine (D .getElementById (id)) return; js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = " http: //connect.face "; fjs.parentNode. insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'); [ad_2]
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