SYRIA: 150 suicide attacks perpetrated by the state organization in the city of Suweida


<img clbad = "alignnone size-full wp-image-981063" src = "" alt = " Beirut: 150 people, among civilians and pro-regime fighters, were killed in a series of suicide bombings perpetrated by the Organization of the Islamic State in the city of Suweida and its suburbs South The regime's army over the entire Suwayda Druze province, remained during the years of conflict, is largely free from fierce fighting, while the fighters of the Islamic State Organization are in a desert area on the outskirts of the northeastern province

Syrian regime forces to launch

Attacks by the Organization of Islamic State took place at a time when a faction sold for days was violently attacked by regime forces in the last pocket of Daraa province, adjacent to Suwayda.

The third suicide bomber blew himself up in the town of Suweida, while other explosions took place in villages in the east and north – east of the country, before the state. Islamic is organizing an attack on the villages.

In the city, according to the same source.

The media reported The Syrian official turned to "martyrs and wounded as a result of terrorist attacks in Swaida".

Photographs published by the Syrian official media of the city of Suweida showed fragments on the site of one of the attacks. In the middle of a street, crates of broken vegetables appeared on the floor amidst bloodstains.


The director of the observatory Rami Abdel Rahman said: "He pointed out that it is one of the biggest attacks in the world. extremist organization in Syria for months after losing most of its control.

– "End of the inevitable" –

Abdel Rahman explained that the target area was living, stressing that the Organization managed to control three out of seven villages during the attack.

Government forces are engaged in an offensive attack

The official Syrian press agency (SANA) reported that "the units of the army respond to an attack, and the terrorist appeals to a number of villages in the northeastern Swaida countryside and eliminates a large number of terrorists."


In southern Syria, the army of Kh "The organization of the Islamic State in the south of the western province of Deraa for several days, to heavily bomb warplanes Syrian and Russian. "

Sana considered that the attacks of the simultaneous Islamic organization on the city of Suweida and its northeastern military campaign "Syrian army against" the remains of the organization facing the end inevitable in the western Daraa countryside. "

The organization of the Islamic State in the past two years with successive crises in Syria and no longer controls only three percent of the country Limited in the remote province of Deir A to the 39 East of Homs, as well as in the southern enclave

The extremist organization is active in cells of the Idlib province, in the north-west of the country. (Agencies) [19659019] [ad_2]
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