Syrian abstract of Monday 9/7/2018 – Al Manar Channel – Lebanon


Daraa and its suburbs:
The Syrian army continued its military action on the Syrian-Jordanian border since the pbadage of Nuseib to the west and controlled 27 The border with Jordan in the limit Daraa City Administrative Committee, from point 62 to point 36, took control of 7 other points of the border from point 35 to point 29 and met with Syrian forces stationed west of the air defense. The Syrian Army has completed its control of the border areas with Jordan within the administrative boundaries of the Dara'a, extending from south Tasiya southeast of Daraa, pbading through the crossing of Nisif and the air defense hill at the village of Zizun north of Daraa
The army continued its operations west of Daraa
As the people of the city of "Zezun ", to receive elements of the Syrian army, and confirmed that they were confident that the heroes of the army to come to the city to rid them of terrorism, And that they suffered from injustice, hunger and deprivation because of the influence of Alarha organizations
For its part, the coordination of the armed forces approved the control of the Syrian army on the village of "Zezun" and the town of "Tal Shihab" northwest of Daraa.
In a related context, "Syrian opposition" In the western province of Deraa, the Syrian army controlled more than 72.4% of the area of ​​Daraa province and the control of armed factions decreased to 21% of the area of ​​the governorate. "Observatory" controlled the army on all border areas with Jordan, which was controlled by the armed factions.
"The Observatory said that" the Syrian Army with this control has become in touch with groups badociated with the organization of an appeal to rural Western Daraa. "
The Observatory also counted the killing of 131 armed men during battles with the Syrian army.
– One of his "security" officers, Khalil al-Hilal al-Azzawi and the "Abu Bakr ", was executed by a firing squad in the city of al-Shaafa in the southeastern suburbs of Deir al-Zour.For four bodies were found for civilians who are likely to be killed. be a thief who was executed because of their transactions with Qusd
The body of a person killed by unidentified persons was found on the banks of the Euphrates from the city of Al-Shuhail in the southeastern suburbs of Deir al-Zour

Al-Hasakah and his campaign
A military convoy of about 200 trucks loaded with arms, ammunition and military equipment at Qusd by Semelka border post with Iraq in Hasaka district.
A person was killed by strangers in the village of Al-Khattala. Al-Raqqa and its suburbs:
US officials called the US base south of Ein Ai town A member of the Quds Force Revolutionary Brigade al-Raqqa, called Abu Issa, for questioning on charges of contact with Syrian dissidents and Turkish officials, as well as dealing with former Qusid spokesman Talal Sallou.
An armed gunman was killed by a homemade bomb near the village of Hamam al-Turkmani, southwest of Salluk town, in the northern Rifqa countryside.After his death, gunmen attacked homes and imposed a curfew in the village. Armed men who belonged to him in the city of dignity in the eastern suburbs of Raqqa, accused of fleeing the "service" in their ranks.
A demonstration took place in the village of "Aleppo and its countryside:
Sites near Daqash killed 10 armed men of the" elite forces "of the" Commission "in the northern countryside of Rifqa to protest the arrest of the village's "Qusd" youths.Sham's release "as a result of an attack by gunmen who called the headquarters of the" body "in the region of Lifqa. ICARDA in southwestern Aleppo, and the coordination of militants had announced the killing of 11 armed men after the mbadacre. The armed men of the Turkish-backed "Hamzah-Free Army" group robbed their home in the village of Brad south of the city of Afrin north of Aleppo
An armed man of the Brigade Murad Murad was killed and a number of civilians were injured as a result of clashes between armed "bandits" in Grapels town in northeastern Aleppo's countryside for unknown reasons.
– A group of activists from the city of Raqqa was arrested in the village of Sreen Breef, in north-eastern Aleppo, during his departure for Turkish territory
"Kurdish units" in various mountainous areas of the city of Raju. There were clashes between "Front Sham" fighters on the one hand and the armed men of the Mu "Tasim" Brigade of the "Free Army" supported by Turkey in the town of Afrin Rural Aleppo northwest, last night.
– The "Local Council" in the city of Gerbels in rural northeastern Aleppo, warned the inhabitants of "school legitimacy" and the "school" inhabitants protested a few days ago, refusing to remove them because the alternative camp is about 50 km from the city and lacks the necessities of life

Idlib and its neighbors:
Unknown persons abducted a nurse working at the hospital Ma & # 39; ra al-Nu & # 39; man in Bel.
Two gunmen were shot dead by gunmen from the Fictitious Liberation Organization in the city of Jericho, in the southern suburbs of Idlib.
One person was killed after unidentified gunmen attacked Rafa village in rural areas.
– The city of Idlib and its suburbs witnessed a series of demonstrations, demonstrations and roadblocks to protest the levying of taxes "of the Sham Liberation Organization "at the Mork Pbadage north of Hama.
In the northern suburbs of Idlib, and another bomb exploded in the city of Selqin in the northwestern countryside.

Hama and its villages:
The Syrian army targeted the sites, fortifications and movements of armed groups in the village of Hastria and the city of Latamna in the northern suburbs of Hama. The armed forces of the armed groups dismantled an improvised explosive device

Homs and its campaign:
A military source said that the air defense media responded to an Israeli attack and dropped a number of missiles aimed at Airport and struck one of the attacking planes and forced the rest to leave the airspace. : Military Information

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