Syrian air defenses face "aggression" at the airport


Syrian air defenses confronted the "Adwan" at the airport in central Syria on Sunday night, the official SANA news agency reported without charge.

SANA reported in an urgent information that "air defenses to respond to the aggression on the campaign airport in the Homs countryside," and added later that "the air defenses drop a number of missiles on the aggression on the airport and the damage.
The director of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights Rami Abdul Rahman told the Agence France-Presse that "a rocket bombing hit the airport and the around Palmyra in the province of Homs ", which has already suffered several blows.

Abdul Rahman said that the bombing of the table "Iranian fighters on the campus of the airport."

In addition to the Syrian army, there are Iranian fighters and Lebanese Hezbollah at the airport, according to the Syrian Observatory.

The military base of the military wing was attacked several times by Damascus, who accused Israel of leading the attacks, including rocket fire on April 9, killing 14 soldiers including 7 Iranians, Moscow, Tehran and Damascus responsible for the raids.

The airport was also targeted on February 10, during an incident that also saw Syrian forces drop an Israeli fighter. Israel then declared "Iranian targets".

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria in 2011, Israel has repeatedly bombed military targets for the Syrian army or for Hezbollah in Syria. Israel rarely talks about these operations.

Israel has long reiterated that it will not allow Iran to consolidate its military presence in Syria.

Syria and Israel are still at war. Since June 1967, Israel occupies about 1,200 square kilometers of the Golan Heights, which it annexed in 1981 without being recognized by the international community.

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