Syrian artist Mei Skaff dies unexpectedly in Paris Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


The extreme artist in his humanity

Paris – The Syrian artist Mai Scaff dies on Monday , suddenly in Paris, the artist has gone through several roles in film and drama, and became known as "rebel artist", where devoted most of his recent works of art to serve the causes of his people , making them deserve the title of "icon" in the imagination and memory of the public and its people.

No Syrian observer forgets the voice of Mai Skaf who chanted the freedom of the Syrian people against the regime and the brutal confrontation of the most salient symbols of his propaganda of artists and directors, the cost of his artistic work in Syria and the complicity of the producers. Even after her arrest by the regime in one of the demonstrations and her release, she remained in office, and after the threats that she made, she decided to leave, to rejoice in exile against the regime of Assad and against all those who were wasting Syrian blood


Mai Skaf, born in Damascus in 1969, began her artistic career in the early 90s and is distinguished by her remarkable presence on the small gilded screen, her distinguished presence and her constant theatrical activity, and her creation of the Teatro Institute of Dramatic Art in Damascus. Being a space and an alternative institution of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Syria because it has had an important role and a great impact on the whole generation of young theater, which has studied and benefited from the experience , in particular by offering them an alternative space.

The political activity of Scaff does not stop and she keeps working because she organizes many theater training workshops and last year she participates in a French short film entitled Mirage. And the support of young artists through the creation of new points of view

The most important of Skaff on the artistic and political scene is his participation in the Center for Political Beauty in the German capital Berlin, in a presentation entitled "May stands next to others threatened to throw himself into the Tigers, in h

This formula of threat and game to the limit of danger has made the body of Mi a space to protest not only against the regime of Assad, but against the same European policies that claim to protect the "lives" of refugees, but in almost impossible conditions, More dangerous than "predation", especially when they cross the European border.

Scaff, with a group of dancers and artists in Paris, organized a dance show on the famous Trocadero Square in commemoration of the chemical mbadacre in Syria, reminding the world that there was death and annihilation. The most recent was written by the artist on Facebook: "I will not lose hope … I do not lose hope … It's a great Syria and not Syria Assad", the sharpness of its positions and its clarity, made it a subject of contestation Syrian opposition. But the artist remained true to his just questions away from political moderation as a free artistic voice.

Mei faced many difficulties in life in exile, but she was able to continue her artistic activity, which she devoted to the causes of her people, to be an example of independent Syrian women and many of her friends and friends still live after his sudden death. That others believe that they have been deported under mysterious circumstances and pending an investigation into these circumstances.






Source: The Arabs of London

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