Syrian regime fails to advance 'Da' ash zones in Yarmouk Basin – Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


The buses carrying the Quneitra Opposition to the North of Syria

course of continuing the evacuation of the armed factions of Daraa and Quneitra (southern Syria) North), the Syrian regime failed to advance in areas controlled by a faction considered a terrorist organization in the Yarmouk Basin, near the border with Jordan and the occupied Golan.

Syrian activists reported that the gunmen of the Sham Liberation Organization (formerly the Nasra Front) burned the pbadage of Quneitra between the two parts of the Syrian Golan and the occupier. Eyewitnesses in the Golan confirmed that the smoke columns emerged from the burning terminal and were clearly visible from different areas.

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said that the smoke had been caused by the fire of the Qunitra terminal, in connection with the arrival of sixty or so buses and ambulances at the point of "disengagement" in 1974, on the border with the occupied Golan. The third batch of displaced people from the Quneitra campaign to northern Syria. He explained that the buses were entered in succession, after the removal of two previous payments, the first included about 2800 people, while the second included about 2600 people, should begin the movement of the third convoy in the hours with the presence and Russian supervision.

This comes at a time when opposition sources have said that Daraa's convoy and Quneitra had begun its journey to northern Syria after being held for several hours by Rida and other militias. Other elements of pro-regime militants. Nobody, on the outskirts of the city of Homs (Central Syria). The sources attributed the reason for the detention to the militia's attempt to put pressure on the parties to the agreement to reveal the fate of the remaining hostages in the city of Shrbq and the fate of the dozens of missing in the bombings of Adults in April killed about 130 people, mainly from Fawa and Kafriya towns. The sources reported that Russian efforts contributed to the release of convoys detained in Homs.

The director of the response coordinator, Mohammed al-Sham, said that they did not yet know the reasons for the detention, noting that the convoys would travel to the north of the country by crossing the city of Murk exclusively. He stressed that they are responsible for the distribution of IDPs, highlighting their lack of knowledge of negotiations between the parties on the ground.

For its part, demanded the head of the Syrian negotiating body, Nasr Hariri, the world to act to protect civilians and forced displacement. Hariri stressed in a tweet via Twitter that "two rounds of Daraa and Quneitra are being held by Iranian and sectarian militias belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards". "These militias imposed the siege and equipped themselves to commit crimes against the forcibly displaced persons."

The forces of Syrian regime leader Bashar al-Assad and their pro-Syrian militias did not advance into the areas controlled by the "Dahal" organization of Khalid's army in the Yarmouk Basin in the western Daraa countryside.

According to the agency "Deep" of the mouth of the organization, this "Daash" has managed to foil the attack of Assad forces on the Yarmouk Basin on the axes from Ashtara Hill and the mountain ranges and Glenn. She pointed to the killing of elements of the regime's forces, and the destruction of a tank and cart Shilka them in the vicinity of the city of Glenn. The Syrian regime's media reported that Assad forces had taken control of all Daraa governorates, with the exception of the Yarmouk Basin, which accounts for 6% of its territory. And refers to "continuous military confrontations, in a move forward on the axis of the hill of strategic crowds."

The organization was able to control the areas of Quneitra province on the Golan border in recent days, after the withdrawal of factions "Free Syrian Army".

It is one of the most important military and strategic hills of the village of Daraa, to the west, surrounded by strategic points controlled by the opposition, including Sheikh Saad and Nawi in the north


Meanwhile, the pro-US revolutionary commanders' (TNI) army faction in the Badia's Al-Tanf area recently stepped up its military operations in the vicinity of the US Air Base. The platoon is conducting a number of military patrols in the 55-kilometer area around al-Qaida, supported by coalition forces on the military base near the Jordanian border. The "Army Commando" announced the arrest of elements of "Daqash", near the base and Rkban camp.

Source: Al-Hayat Journal

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