Taba Heights welcomes Egyptian and Arabic singers


The Taba Celebrations for Music and Tourism will continue as part of the "Summer Nights" festival in Taba Heights, which will begin its celebrations from July 20 to 27, 2018, for the second year in a row. presence of a constellation of Egyptian and Arab artists. The Egyptian singer Rami Sabry

The main goal of the concert organization is to boost tourism in South Sinai, especially in Taba, to return once again to the Arab tourism capital and foreign.

For the first time the Egyptian singer Rami Sabri, Carmen Suleiman, Bossi, and is under the supervision of the evil Taba Heights Society (Orascom Development Holding – Egypt). The ceremony is being held by Mr. Imad Tarabishi, the owner's representative, in the shopping area of ​​Taba Heights Station, which has already received a large number of stars including Sherine Abdel Wahab, George Wbadouf, Najwa Karam and Wael Jbadar.

The Egyptian artist Carmen Soliman

The Egyptian artist Boussi

The Lebanese artist Moeen Sharif
The Lebanese star Fares Karam
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