Tamimi era to freedom + video


The World – Palestine

Israeli occupation authorities arrested his mother and mother, Nariman Tamimi, 41 or 7 months ago, arriving there on Sunday in their home village of Nabi Saleh. west of Ramallah in the West Bank.

Israeli occupation forces arrested the Tamimi era on December 19 after more than 20 Israeli patrols stormed the village and were arrested after being filmed. Two Israeli soldiers attempted to storm his family's court. The city of Nabi Saleh .. and that after the pbading of centuries One of the parents of a 15-year-old boy was shot by the Israeli occupation and the bullet was placed at the bottom of the skull , according to his aunt Mbad al-Tamimi.

The court sentenced her to eight months in prison,

The icon of the Palestinian struggle

The Tamimi era was a symbol of resistance and Palestinians called him "the icon of the Palestinian struggle" and imprisoned for beating two Israeli soldiers in his West Bank town. After being in prison for eight months

In the Tamimi era, Palestinians see an example of courage in the face of Israeli excesses in the occupied Palestinian territories.

"Painting of the Tamimi Era"

This week, a giant mural of Palestinian teenager Tamimi was painted on the wall of the Israeli separation in the occupied West Bank .

The painting painted near Bethlehem in the West Bank at four meters high

The Italian street painter Lloret Agosh is the masked man who painted the painting

The wall separating the West Bank from … Israel is graphically supported by the Palestinian cause

Among those who left their mark on the wall was the British street painter Banski.

The teenager who holds a press conference Sunday at her home will continue to provoke contradictory reactions even after her release.

Great media. President Mahmoud Abbas personally praised his courage.

A Palestinian woman stood next to the Tamimi family and told AFP: "There was a symbolic image of a girl facing an armed Israeli soldier in front of her house." can not take a little terrorist and make it a hero, but that's what we did, "said Oren Hazan, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party. of foot can turn into a day of knife attack "Most Israelis say that they want to be in jail for 20 years."

For human rights defenders, the case Tamimi allowed Israeli military courts to impose a high level of condemnation – 99% – of Palestinians.

Omar Shaker, director of Human Rights Watch's office in the occupied territories, said: "The Tamimi will be released but hundreds of Palestinian children are still behind re the bars and nobody cares. "

A few days ago, Bbadem al-Tamimi, the father of the Palestinian child in detention, had predicted that his daughter would be released a few days after his eight-month detention., Appeal to the need to continue the media highlighting the s (19459004) – In a statement to the Middle East News Agency in Ramallah Bbadim al-Tamimi says that he does not must not forget the subject and not be arrested or arrested under new pretenses.According to Israeli law and according to what was revealed on the prison computer, he must leave on July 28, but he will accept Saturday the "Leave with Israel", which should be released on Sunday, July 29, unless he finds something new.

He added: "His young son Salam, who finished high school this year , visited his mother Nariman in prison before He explained that Salam went to the visit with an attorney because he was unable to obtain a permit for the visit. He confirmed that targeting the sons of the village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah, specifically The goal is to break the pattern of resistance in the village. He pointed out that a number of neighboring villages are also suffering arrests and violations perpetrated by the Israeli occupation on a continuous basis.

It was recalled that on June 8 The Committee for Early Release or the so-called Peace Commission because it does not recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli authorities Palestinian and International Condemn [19659002] A Palestinian official sentenced an Israeli military court against the Palestinian minor of the year 19459004 imprisonment for eight months Issa Qaraqa, head of the committee of prisoners and drafters of the PLO, said that this phrase "is a sign of the incentive that accompanied the arrest of Tamimi and his mother, and that it is based on the". political incentive rather than a fair trial. "

An unjust and dishonest politician towards a minor, targeting the village of Nabi Saleh (in Ramallah) from where Tamimi goes down, and all activists (19459004)

He also pointed out that the provision was "contrary to all international conventions on the rights of the child ".

Ahed's trial sparked great public interest and international condemnation for the imprisonment of a minor, His seventeenth birthday, as Palestinians see him, is considered a hero which opposes the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank while the Israeli authorities claim that it is inciting Israeli soldiers.

With a time, when the spotlight was on the system Violations of the rights of children

The family of the Palestinian detainee, Ahad al-Tamimi, 17 years old, showed a video showing her harbadment verbal by interrogators [19459019] Bbadem al-Tamimi, father of the girl, said at a press conference at the headquarters of the Al-Haq Foundation for Human Rights in Ramallah that 39 An Israeli intelligence officer had told him: "You are a beautiful girl, you have blond hair Be on the sea and not in detention ."

Al-Tamimi considered this statement as a "verbal harbadment" ".

The girl kept silent during the video

Al-Tamimi said that the lawyer of "Ahed & # 39; received a two-hour video tape to investigate her daughter, authorities

and that she was detained in a cold cell and transferred from one detention center to another, which made her very tired.

He stated, "The occupation did not observe that she was a minor and no investigator of her bad was present. All international conventions and laws.

"We have filed a complaint against the intelligence officer and we do not know where it is, there is no justice in the occupation, but we Resist by any means, including judicial, even if we are sure that it will not do us justice.

The court's decision also included the detention of eight months of suspension.

The Israeli court also sentenced his mother, Nariman Tamimi, to eight months in prison and a fine of $ 1,700, accused of obstructing the work of an Israeli soldier and attacking him. [19659002] The child, Ahd al-Tamimi, returned a few hours later From the announcement of his arrest on December 19, 2017, to the icon of the peaceful popular resistance in Palestine [19659025] The number of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails is about 6,500, including 350 children, according to official statistics they Palestinian Ofer "Israeli military prison mother and mother, Naiman Tamimi for eight months and a fine of 5,000 shekels, and a fine of his mother 6.000 shekels .

The same court sentenced prisoner Noor al-Tamimi, the current prison for 16 days, 2000 shekels before being released .

The Tamimi minor has received great Palestinian sympathy His pictures have been widely published on social networking sites as "heroines". International organizations have repeatedly called for their immediate release . [ad_2]
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