tayyar.org – Shahib: They dream of …


The Minister of Education, Akram Shahib, explained to the "Republic" that the press conference was "a clear and explicit disclosure to the public about the fact that had happened since the Qabrshmon incident, up to all the interventions that took place, which all threw them all at the bottom of the bags and guided the record in a different direction.Exactly what happened. "

"As a progressive socialist party, we have placed ourselves from the very beginning of the law and we have controlled the judicial institution in order to put in place a fair, transparent, transparent, objective and impartial judicial system", a- he declared. Who are close to the head of power with regret, who have tried with difficulty to transfer files, to install and evoke them, and to summon judges to public holidays, as well as to create courts and to make political decisions , as well as the Qur'an in the last chapters of this workshop, handling simulated records, the others use them for misleading purposes and policies To investigate the way to reveal what has actually happened. Which was very clear in the security investigations.

He emphasized that the facts surrounding this file undoubtedly confirmed that they were committed in this dangerous direction and that it would lead the country to what is worse than today. In this context, they try relentlessly to conceal the truth about the investigations and what they confirmed about the incident, and in particular about the effective and serious investigations conducted by the Directorate of Public Information and Security. other security services. "

In response to a question, Shahib said: "Some are trying to keep the country in a state of tension, inventing problems, contradictions and tensions in different directions, in addition to trying to create prestige for the judiciary and the judiciary. to raise doubts, because of his flagrant interference in the course of judicial work and to try to direct him politically.Serve their goal of disrupting existing balances in the country. "

When the minister is told that some say that everything they do is intended to besiege or restrain Walid Jumblatt, he says, "With this team and this mentality, everything is expected, but in the end, they dream. and their dreams will surely crush before the chosen rock and Walid Jumblatt.

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