Tehran and political assassinations … a non-stop repressive machine


The arrest of Iranian elements involved in the planning of terrorist attacks in Europe and the expulsion of Iranian diplomats from the Netherlands last week were reminiscent of the machine of repression launched with the beginning of the Iranian regime after the overthrow of Shah Mohammad Reza In 1979. On July 2, 2018, the Belgian authorities announced the arrest of an Iranian diplomat as well as two others suspected of plotting an attack in The bomb against a meeting of the Iran Mojahedin Organization (PMOI) in Paris brought together politicians from around the world, including a number of former European and Arab ministers. Three others were arrested in France and two were released later. A joint statement by prosecutors and intelligence agencies in Belgium revealed that the police had arrested two people with 500 grams of acetone peroxide, an explosive made from available chemicals, and had found a detonator in their car . The statement said that a man named Amir S. (38) and a woman named Nasima. (33 years old) were charged with attempted murder related to terrorism and prepared for a terrorist act. A French judicial source said that three people of Iranian origin had been arrested in France to determine their links with the suspects detained in Brussels. According to the Belgian statement, a diplomat from the Iranian Embbady in Vienna was arrested in Germany

. A few days after the incident, the Netherlands announced the expulsion of Iranian diplomats working at their embbady in The Hague without giving any reasons. The incident occurred about eight months after the badbadination of Ahwaz Ahmed Molly Nissi politician in The Hague. The murderer Mohammad Reza Kalahi, a member of the People's Mojahedin Organization – accused by Tehran of causing an explosion in the building of the Islamic Republic Party – was unveiled. "In 1981, 80 senior regime officials were killed.

Dutch security spokesman Holbert Brede Meyer said his country had expelled two employees of the Iranian embbady in The Hague on 7 June. "Unfortunately, we can not divulge details" The details of the package were leaked in a report from the official Kayhan newspaper close to the office of Iranian leader Ali Khamenei, confirming that the Dutch authorities have summoned the Iranian ambbadador before the expulsion of the diplomats and informed him that they had documents proving the involvement of the Iranian regime in the badbadination of Ahmed Mawla

The report notes that the Netherlands demanded that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not publish the details of the proceedings and warned against a similar decision against its employees in Tehran and that the Iranian side accepts the terms of the neerl newspaper, Journal

Executions Abroad

The Iranian regime has tightened its grip on al-Hudaydah with a campaign of exclusion including all currents that participated in the revolution. Against the Shah regime, including nationalists, leftists and liberals. [17]

There are no comprehensive statistics on the number of murders that took place in the country, The regime was exercising abroad the variety of methods of murder. badbadination followed by the regime, but the regime's supporters boasted of certain operations and revealed the death sentences pronounced by the regime and executed by their clients abroad and managed to stop some customers after the execution of the badbadinations. The most important of these was the one against the last Prime Minister during the reign of Shah Shapur Bakhtiar, where he was stabbed to death at his home in Paris and murdered Shahriar Shafiq, son of Shah Ashraf Bahlawi's sister, De la maison from his mother. As well as the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Sadiq Sharaf Kennedy, where he was killed and three others shot in the Mykonos restaurant in Berlin, Germany. The badbadinations followed the successor in the honor of Canadian Abdul Rahman Qasmlo, where he was killed and his escort Abdullah Qadri after the regime's agents, under the pretext of negotiating the "Kurdish claims" but he was killed at the negotiating table in Vienna. The knife and singer Faridon Farrakhzad was murdered by regime agents in the same way in Bonn in Germany and Beggen Fadhli, the son of opposition actor Reza Fadhli, killed by the attack on the bomb against a London-owned store.

Nevertheless, the regime was forced to stop foreign killings in part because the 1980s and early 1990s were accompanied by a major international condemnation, especially after the badbadination of the Kurdish leader Sadeq Sharaf Kennedy.The Iranian and Lebanese badbadins' trial Years later, those who ordered the badbadinations and badbadinations outside Iran began to adopt new methods: in the early years, the regime sought to recruit intelligence and guards and agents from other countries, especially militiamen and their supporters. To international criminal gangs such as the badbadination attempt of the former Saudi ambbadador to Washington and the current Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir

Iranian client Mansour Arbab Siyar has admitted his guilt in front of the US judiciary to kill the Saudi ambbadador in Washington. He went to Mexico several times to arrange a murder of a gang of traffickers to kill the ambbadador and he agreed to one of them to carry out the plan but he was unaware that the "hitman" was an informant of the Drug Enforcement Department.

A speech became known as the revolutionary executions against the values ​​of the Iranian republic with the establishment of the regime, where government leaders framed the killings by establishing government structures such as the Corps of Guards of the Revolution and several pressure groups. Such as the so-called "Commission on the Rights of the Child" "The Committee claims that it has data on 50,000 volunteers willing to conduct suicide operations abroad.

Regime agents resort to political killings when they do not have the ability to arrest and execute dissidents.In case the public is not prepared to executions, the agents of the regime resort to secret badbadinations to liquidate the opponents and, on this basis, many critics of the regime are strangled, drowned, poisoned and cause accidents of the road.

Zam does not failed to implement a large number of murder plots and terrorist operations, including the recent operation in Paris, which reveals the extent of state awareness of the security services that have suffered operations of the Iranian regime on its territory. In France, where the regime killed many of its opponents to terrorize the country, one of the largest bastions of Iranian dissidents of various beliefs.

Nevertheless, the murders do not seem to end. Nearly forty years after the establishment of the Republican regime, parallel intelligence and institutions charged with prosecuting dissidents and critics do not pay particular attention to international charters and the sovereignty of countries on their territory, which raises worries today in European countries.

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