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Telegram has announced the launch of a new update to be applied to various platforms, featuring a number of features highlighted by the vote.
According to the official blog, the new feature helps large communities that often use the vote to coordinate their activities and to hear members' opinions on a topic. The e-mail service hopes that the "vote" feature will appeal to groups of over 100,000 subscribers and channels with millions of subscribers.
Telegram said the "vote" could be reoriented to increase the number of attendees and could be installed at the top of the page to ensure that it is seen by all. The Service also indicated that the votes were currently held in secrecy, which means that it would not know the name of the vote holders and that it might be possible in the future to know the names of the electors.
The voting feature is available for desktop, Android and iOS applications. As for the IOS system, it obtained support for image search on the Web and the company has corrected the shortcomings found in its application to this system.
The new update also adds the ability to download files and continue downloading even after closing the application, with the ability to see the progress of downloading or downloading files.
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