That's why newborns are cold. Here are the treatment methods


Doctors consider that the most common cause of colds in children is their incomplete immune system, where more than 200 types of viruses can infect them. Nasal congestion is often the first sign of a cold because the infant's airways are too small to tolerate the swelling caused by congestion.

Treatment of colds in newborns

* Make sure the child sleeps for long hours and make sure that it is comfortably installed.

* Use a nasal "suction" if the child has a few days.

Use nasal drops containing brine more than once a day.

* Use a gel containing menthol to release the baby's chest from the outside.

* Try to keep the child as straight as possible and you can lift him into pillows when he sleeps.

* Bathing is useful for relieving muscle pain in the child, which helps to relax, steaming hot water to warm up the body and purify the particles entering the nose, without exceeding a quarter of an hour.

If the symptoms of colds appear for more than 3 days, it is recommended to refer him to a consultant for appropriate treatment.If the child is not older than three months, he should be presented to the pediatrician, because the cold in the newborn can quickly become a serious respiratory disease.

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