The arrest of a robber numbs his victims – Al – Manar television site – Lebanon


The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division issued the following communication: "As part of the monitoring carried out by the Internal Security Forces Information Division to combat various crimes throughout the Lebanese territory it was found that several people had been looted during this period. The majority of citizens are van drivers and taxis, providing fruit juice. Some of them, because of the juice, have fallen into a near – fatal coma, and others have suffered serious road accidents because of their meals.

As a result, the relevant sections of the above-mentioned Division started their operational investigations to identify the suspect. C. (Born in 1958, Lebanese), former criminal drug addict, drug addict, thief, defrauded, falsified and user of counterfeit goods.

On 8/8/2019, following close monitoring of the locations where it could be located, one of the Division 's patrols managed to arrest him in the locality of Al – Barbir, while he was arrested. he was trying to attract a citizen. Money. During his interrogation, he confessed what was attributed to him.

The Directorate General of Internal Security Forces is spreading its image and asking the victims of its acts and identified as such to go to the Information Service of Beirut, Helou Barracks – Mar Elias Street, or call the one of the numbers 010705127 or 01307728., Prelude to the necessary legal action ".

SOURCE: National Agency of Information

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