The author did not leave after the "box of failure"!


The newspaper "Republic" that President-elect Saad Hariri brought to President Michel Aoun revised version of the ministerial quotas far from the high ceilings raised by the parties, which are essentially the Druze two decades and the Lebanese forces' share, and without touching to previous versions presented by Hariri According to the information, the atmosphere between the two presidents was positive, and Aoun proposed limited amendments to the proposed version of the representation Hariri long Druze, while sources said that the representation of "forces" is not difficult to provide. The proposed director has four ministerial portfolios. In the summary of the debate, it was agreed to intensify contacts, and that Hariri would return to the presidential palace, perhaps before the end of this week, if his contacts ended in a positive atmosphere.

Familiar sources with what is happening at the author Al-Gomhouria: "Up to now, it is not possible to say that the land was built to rent the government building: the training is still in its infancy and the square of failure that has elapsed since the arrival of Hariri a few weeks ago is not yet out

The dose of Silk-optimist was based on the declared desire of President

Al-Baraz, along with what was said that Hariri yesterday presented to the President of the Republic a revised draft of the government of his predecessors, did not been resolved. The consensus on them is what Hariri has made clear about pursuing these complexities, albeit moderately, but that they need a little bit of time as he has said.

If Hariri avoided setting a time limit by the way, however, he speaks of a period, whether it is long or short, which remains open to the possibilities of T, in light of the the complex situation of paternity, which has become more difficult recently because of what is happening in the kitchen "mixing the political dimension of the composition of the personal dimension, and each party suspends itself in its conditions and can no longer fall into it" is necessary to have a neutral friend, who has the characteristics and abilities that allow him to play the role of honest mediator who can persuade the parties to reduce their bishop and get out of the battlefield. "

: First, the third disabled node that is g Second, the Christian knot, which has become less difficult with the softness of the Lebanese forces in terms of their representative size and the bags to be badigned to them, but this flexibility has not yet been seized by the free patriotic movement. The third point is the Sunni knot, which is the easiest knot to resolve through dialogue and exchange, in the absence of any party that would engage in a battle.

The Druze knot is the most difficult knot. In the middle of the insistence of Walid Jumblatt to limit Druze representation in his socialist party, and the exclusion of Talal Arslan on the grounds that the latter reflects Druze representation on the deck of others. In response to this insistence, the Democratic Rally renewed the call for "speeding up the process of forming the government and not wasting time behind arguments and justifications". He called for "moving away from instinctive discourse and adopting the language of reason, logic and realism". The completion of the author's process away from the logic or equations of disruption and logic of the majority and the minority, in order to focus on economic and social issues of interest to the citizen Lebanese.

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