Despite the many "knots" facing attempts to form a new government, which include a Christian knot and a Druze and a third Sunni – as is called the media, and although the negotiations do not include have not yet reached the final stage of distribution of bags However, the birth of the government is virtually tied to a basic node, after which the rest of the contract will be broken – the details in a few days. What is this node?
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(19659003) In other words, research based on more than one line since the surrender The formation of the new government, about two months ago, revolves around the issue of the distribution of ministerial quotas among the major parties, to knowing the number of ministers to be won by each of the main political forces, namely the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanon Forces, Future Movement, Progressive Socialist Party, Hezbollah and Amal Movement. The recent round of talks at Baabda Palace between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri focused exclusively on the number of ministers each team will receive. The prime minister in charge of the party presented an initial allocation to the president, which stipulates that the party's share would be 4 ministers, the socialist party's share of 3 ministers, and the future share of six ministers (including the prime minister). This distribution represents a repetition of the current governmental balance, in which the "future", "forces" and "socialist" parties represent a total of 13 ministers (including the Prime Minister) in exchange for 17 ministers of the Patriotic Movement free and forces March 8. As the forces currently have three ministers in addition to the Allied Minister, Michel Pharaon, while the 7 future ministers will be badigned to the "socialist" party to increase the number of government ministers from two to three in the next government to solve the problem.
If the rest of the parties accept this distribution, And the "Shiite duo", the most difficult step of the formation of the government will be completed. The reason is that the distribution of the four sovereign ministries (Defense, Interior, Foreign Affairs and Finance) will remain unchanged, so that each team will retain the same ministry that it holds today. Thus, according to preliminary information, the "forces" will not obtain the post of Deputy Prime Minister or "sovereign" ministry, but will grant another ministry of great importance, such as the Ministry of Justice. As for the departments of services, the rotation principle will be applied to them, so that they will be remixed, but without changing the quotas, except for Hezbollah access this time to the Ministry of Services and the Ministry. money, to the detriment of the withdrawal of the Ministry of basic services. He said, what will apply to line ministries will also include regular ministries, which will be redistributed differently from their current distribution, so that these ministries will receive new ministers, but without changing the quotas given to each team. The same scenario will apply to the ministers of state who will be distributed on the basis of one minister per team.
Based on the foregoing, as soon as the different parties have agreed on the The government's overall political balance, ie 13 ministers of the "Future" (4) and "socialist" (3), including the prime minister of course, and with the registration of the transfer of one of the ministers of the guard of the "future" in the custody of the "socialist", in exchange for 10 ministers of the President of the Republic 3), including a Sunni figure, the Free Patriotic Movement (6), the Tashnag (1), seven ministers of Hezbollah (3), Amal (3) and The second stage of e the distribution of ministerial portfolios will not be long and the question of name deletion will be easy and quick.
Thus, the next few hours, or the next few days, will undoubtedly be the trend The countdown to the birth of the government will begin as soon as the President and the Prime Minister-designate have received the "green light" for the distribution of ministerial quotas, failing which, in case of rejection or objection from one of the political actors, First of all, note that
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