A royal expert revealed that Princess Diana wanted to remarry and have more children after her separation from Prince Charles, but she did not do it for "heartbreaking" reasons.
The expert, Ingrid Stewart, claims that Prince William wanted his mother to be "fully present for him", although Prince Harry insisted that she have another child.
"In June 1997, we discussed whether she would remarry or not," said Stewart in an interview with Daily Mail, the writer and editor of the Daily Mail. "Harry was always asked to have another child because he was tired of being younger." Princess Diana told her that it was a bit difficult because she did not feel like it. was not married and that she wanted more children, and that she did not see herself alone forever.Harry wanted her to remarry, but William did not want him, he wanted to be an existing Diana, only for him. "
"Well, I have to marry someone who wants to take care of me," she says, "and in the meantime, the idea of getting married to Hasanat Khan was brainwashing all the time, but she did not tell me. " We talked about the kind of man you could marry, an American with a huge property. "
Diana would have wanted to have two daughters of Khan, promised for two years in the 1990s. He broke up a few months before his tragic end in a car accident in Paris, France.
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