The Chrome 71 version on Android offers web applications to the system share list


The Chrome 71 version on Android offers web applications to the system share list

A few days ago, Google announced that it would offer a copy of its Chrome browser on Windows, Mac and Linux, followed by the launch of the Android operating system and a feature that users only noticeable: the browser support for the display of web applications in the Android Sharing menu.

You will remember that last year, Google had enabled the Web Sharing API in Chrome 61, allowing web applications to share text or images for primary applications. For example, you can share a Twitter link by clicking a button in the Twitter Light app. Now, the new sharing interface works in reverse because web applications can register as items in the Android sharing list.

Web applications do not appear in the system share area until you add them to the home screen, so you do not have to worry about random sites. which appear next to the main applications: only the text and images of web applications can now be received, and the files will come later.

Finally, Chrome version 71 gradually reaches Android users. If it does not reach you, simply download it through the APK from here.

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