The cities of Daraa al-Gharbia separately accept the Russian agreement and the great knight of Quneitra


Manhal Barish: The governor of Daraa, Muhammad Khalid al-Hanous, raised the flag of the Syrian regime on a mast in the public square in front of the post office in Daraa. He said in a statement to the Syrian press agency "SANA": "We are moving a few meters from the post office and the Umayyad Mosque we won, Syria won against this wave of terrorists from around the world to destroy this nation. "
A delegation of the Syrian regime's army and government officials entered the city of Tafas and hoisted the flag on the city council building, where a metal sign was suspended by hand. "Syrian Arab Republic, Ministry of Local Government and Environment Tafs City Council." In a reference to the return of institutions of the Syrian state, was the ceremony to raise the flag in the presence from a large crowd of people from the city to the west of Daraa, and the speakers were broadcasting the anthem of the Syrian Arab Republic.In an audio recording, the lawyer Adnan al-Mahamid told Al-Quds Al-Arabi that the entrance of the governor of Daraa and a delegation of the regime's army to Tafs had been approved and consulted by the Negotiating Committee of which He was the representative.He said that they raised the flag and went out.Other activists confirmed that the system came in for half an hour and that he took pictures and raised the flag before going to the control areas north of the city at the level of reconciliation A delegation representing the villages of Kafr Shams, Kafr Naseg, Aqraba and Smelin, villages in northwestern Daraa governorate, met with the Russian delegation in Basra and reached a similar agreement with the rest of Daraa on Tuesday. The next days A similar agreement was signed Wednesday with representatives of the city of Ankhal. The most important demands of the Russian negotiator were the return of the regime's army to its military barracks, as was the case before 2011. The cantonal delegation stipulated that "the entrance of the the regime's army in the cities, and the rest of the terms of the agreement on what happened in the other areas that accepted the surrender, and have entered the settlement as desired by the Russian negotiators
Southwest of Daraa, the army of Khalid Bin Al-Walid, who was selling the state organization, controlled the town of Hitt to the east of his fiefdom after two days of clashes and suicide bombings against one of the elements of the organization. "Khalid army" of the city's headquarters and the cut of the valley road, the only road that reaches the West Bank. "The army of Khaled" warned Free Army fighters to deliver the city, heavy weapons and exit with their small arms and if it was rejected, it would threaten its members, according to one of the city's activists, to force the elements of the Free Army to withdraw. The press agency "Depths", broadcast by the "State" organization, is broadcasting a video of "Khalid bin al-Walid Army" fighters in which they renew their sale to "the successor of the Muslims and the Imam monotheist of that time, Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ". The fighters left behind them before retiring and delivering the city.
The mystery of the fate of Quneitra until now, after the refusal of the factions of the province to conclude an agreement similar to what happened in Daraa. The situation is complicated by Israeli threats in the event of advancing regime forces in the disengagement zone. The presence of tens of thousands of displaced people who have fled west from Daraa to Quneitra is making military action more difficult. Quneitra will be a demilitarized zone, which means that factions must surrender their heavy weapons, in exchange for their stay in Quneitra, and the entrance of regime forces and Syrian militia into the demilitarized zone of disengagement under the 39, UNDOF authority. It began its work with a resolution of the UN Security Council (Resolution 350 of 1974).
The gravity of the security situation near the border with the occupied Syrian Golan opens the door to possible Israeli intervention in the disengagement zone. Some factions are directly linked to the Israeli army under various pretexts, including humanitarian and medical aid, and the entry of wounded soldiers and Syrian civilians into hospitals and medical points established by the Israeli army on the Golan border.
Of course, Israel seeks to employ these small factions in a new role that needs time to develop. The speech of a region under direct influence of Israel became more deliberative as the regime progressed to the west and began to show its characteristics by pushing displaced people to demand that Israel intervene. to save them from the forces of the advanced regime.
The Russians rush to bring all the cities of Daraa into the surrender agreement, but most heavy weapons are still in the hands of the factions, with only a small surrender, and faction warehouses are always intact.

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The cities of Daraa al-Gharbia accept the Russian agreement separately and the great knight of Quneitra

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