The commander of the army inaugurated the place of the army and the road of the martyrs of the terror down: vigilant against any attempt of destabilization of our security


The army commander, General Joseph Aoun, today inaugurated the "Martyrs of Terror" road, which connects the city of Al Qaa with border military posts in the grbadlands of the country. 39, Al Qaa, who help the inhabitants of the city to invest in their land.

It has also opened the "Army Square" in the city, which includes an old canon, in the presence of religious and social events and residents of the region.

After a minute of silence on the souls of the martyrs, General Aoun delivered a speech in which he declared: "Today, in this holy land, we meet the blood of the martyrs, the martyrs of the terror of the beloved city of al-qa ah, who heroically confronted a terrorist plot that wanted our country to be perverted.We remember today the suffering of the inhabitants of this city, as well as the cities bordering neighbors, of the injustice of terrorism that has occupied our land for many years, with the aim of transforming it.His principality, but the will of the sons of the city accesses They were confronted with reality, as well as & to our army soldiers who besieged them, and limited their terrorist capabilities until they could eliminate them during the Battle of Dawn of the Gruds, which put an end to their military presence and their control plans However, we remain vigilant against any attempt to destabilize our security and stability, as long as our environment continues to face challenges and as long as our borders have yet to be fortified. "

"There is no doubt that the army, which for the first time in the history of Lebanon has reached the Lebanese-Syrian border, is trying to control the border, despite its limited capabilities, since the beginning of the war. elimination of terrorism in the suburbs We have established four border regiments and built seventy-four posts ". With the help of a number of friendly countries, we have been able to control the limits of the units deployed in this region with the help of a number of friendly countries, even though we control about 80% of the borders. In the light of security missions The numerous tasks entrusted to the army, including the maintenance of security at home, requiring permanent availability, the closure of recruitment in the army, the reduction of the budget of the The army and the logistical difficulties that result, complicate this task. Defend the honor of Lebanon, make sacrifices for him and accomplish it, as well as his children, seeking his limited potential to fulfill his duty regardless of the sacrifices.

"We were at your side, alongside terrorism, and we gathered the martyrs and you were our partners in the victory against terrorism.We are now with you to launch together the" Army Square "in the city Be confident, your army has been and will remain a valve We are working to strengthen our military presence here, to protect you, as well as the rest of the population of this region dear to all our hearts, who have paid a heavy price Because of its geographical location, our centers are scattered around and in your cities, be badured of it, and live in safety. "

"A few meters from this square, the square of the army, we built the" road of the martyrs of terror ". Yes, these martyrs built with their blood the path of victory, so that dawn was rising on the grbad, the dawn of Lebanon. It's not a military road that connects our centers to each other, no. For the sake of your country liberated from terrorism, you have planted it for love and loyalty, so that you cling to it. Parallel to their military base, we invite them to join them to continue the march of their predecessors towards X. "The homeland.


"We feel that we are in the heart of Lebanon, not on the periphery by the roads built by the army," said Al-Qaa Mayor Bashir Matar.

Then, General Aoun received from the municipality the key of the city, a shield of appreciation and a painting of families of martyrs.


"We enjoy security and stability through the sacrifices of the army.The paving of the roads down, Yunin, Ras Baalbek, Hermel and Arsal is an obvious proof that the army belongs to everyone ", said Father Lian Nasrallah, parish priest.

It should be noted that the route of the "martyrs of terror" is about 8 km long and is funded by the US authorities to the Lebanese army. It is preceded since the inauguration of the 12 km Al-Jaroud (Horta) road, linking Ras Baalbeck to Baljrod, also funded by the United States. By reaching their lands.

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