"Times": the competition for space travel makes it a place of invasion without laws
Under the title "The Red Moon", the British newspaper The Times presented its opening article, in which it was pointed out that competition should not turn outer space into an area of ?? invasion without law.
In 1957, photographs of the dark side of the moon were taken in the Soviet Soviet Sputnik 1, as well as images of an asteroid located about 6.5 billion kilometers from the Earth, called Ultima Toli, the point the farthest from a space probe in our solar system. .
The probe of the Chinese National Space Agency (CNS), which has landed on the moon, and the probe that has reached the furthest point of our solar system, is due to two superpowers in the world in the twenty-first century. To make it an invasion zone without organized laws, and perhaps a source of future conflicts.
The document states that, technically, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty prevents governments from claiming ownership of any area of outer space, but allows signatories to withdraw after a year notice.
The paper adds that the United States and China perceive the role of space exploration differently and that the current system of international law and existing cooperation are not enough to prevent a chaotic conflict from controlling the resources.
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