The continuation of the status quo remains a distorted Lebanon that awaits international institutions and donor countries


President Nabih Berri said that "the current status quo is a war that awaits international institutions and the doors of donor countries in search of loans and donations".

The positions of President Berri intervened during his presidency at the headquarters of the Second Presidency in Ain al-Tinah, a dialogue aimed at supporting the Lebanese industry as part of the campaign launched by the newspaper "An Nahar" in cooperation with the Minister of Industry, Wael Abu Faour, under the title "Every day and our industry is doing well" The "Democratic Republic", Sami Al-Gemayel of the Lebanese Bloc group, Nicolas Nahas, "The Democratic Republic of Lebanon "; "Independent Center", representing Nazih Star Industrial MPs, MP Aden N. Trabelsi and President of the Fadi Gemayel Industrialists Association. Editor-in-chief of "Al-Nahar" Nayla Tueni, editor-in-chief of the newspaper and the family.

"We are going through a very dangerous period, which we hope will be very soon," said Berri. And congratulated the newspaper "An-Nahar" and its employees on the occasion of the 87th day of "day".

The positions of President Berri on economic and political issues, in addition to the interventions of representatives of the parliamentary blocs and the Association of Industrialists, will be published by the newspaper "Al-Nahar" in a special issue published next Thursday.

Abu Faour said on the occasion of the meeting: "At the joint initiative of the Al-Nahar newspaper and the Ministry of Industry and with a worthy response to President Berri, the national dialogue table it's held today to support the industry. "

He added: "This meeting is held at the pinnacle of political division in the country, which is a twofold message … The first message is that, despite the political differences, the Lebanese should always meet for the benefit of the Lebanese citizen. " The message is also that as politicians, we must stop ambushing ourselves. And the challenge of constitutional institutions, whether it is the Council of Ministers or the institution of the judiciary or the institution of the House of Representatives and leave to the benefit of the Lebanese.

The second message is that the subject of the industry was discussed in Lebanon and the representatives and leaders of the parliamentary blocs who took part in the meeting reacted favorably. There was a clear position to support the industry and the adoption of a large number of proposals that will become for us B – In Lebanon, I thank President Berri for the Ministry of Industry and the name of the newspaper "Al-Nahar". I thank all the parliamentary blocs that participated in this meeting, which clearly expressed their support for all the actions of the Ministry of Industry and Government of Lebanon. "

He concluded: "There is a set of laws that have been agreed and will be presented later.The full decisions of the dialogue table will be announced and published in a special issue of Al-Nahar newspaper to be published next Thursday" .

MP Gemayel said: "I thank President Nabih Berri and Minister Wael Abu Faour for this meeting on the industry issue We agree with the Industrial Proposal Paper presented by Minister Abu Faour in its entirety And after fourteen years of this project, we have taken up the same ideas, as if there had been procrastination to not give priority to the industrial sector, and we hope that the efforts of Minister Abu Faour will be fruitful and that all those ideas that were in the consensus of all the blocks on the operational procedures of the Council of Ministers "He said.

MP Adnan Trabelsi said, "President Berri was the main supporter of the industrial sector in Lebanon and we heard Minister Abu Faour's proposals to support the industry." I had an intervention in which I He stated that the support of the industry started by supporting the agricultural sector and that the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture had to be increased to support this sector in all Lebanese regions.

President Berri also presented the general situation during his meeting with MP Albert Mansour.

The Thunder
In the afternoon, the President of the Council received the head of the MP "Bloc of loyalty to the resistance", Mohammad Raad.

He concluded his talks with MP Boutros Harb, who said after the meeting: "I met with President Nabih Berri and reviewed the very difficult conditions that Lebanon is going through. This is the most dangerous phase that Lebanon has experienced after independence.There is no standard of living in which people live.A danger, whether at the political level and within of national unity, must be maintained in order to preserve Lebanon, although on the constitutional level and on how to deal with the problems and to respect the provisions of the Constitution, but on the economic and social level, gives us the impression that we are on the verge of economic collapse.

It is natural, in these circumstances, to meet with President Berri and ask him to remain a safety valve. In these difficult and convulsive conditions, the wise must play a role and prevent the country from falling into confrontation and prevent the destruction of the country in internal conflicts and sectarianism, especially in the human atmosphere. They are only interested in stirring up sectarian conflicts and forming false leaders at the expense of the unity of Lebanon and the future of Lebanese Muslims and Christians. "

"We have discussed measures that can be taken not to aggravate the problems and clashes, we hope that everyone will be wise and patriotic to avoid national clashes and the fall." The situation is dangerous, but the bet remains on the ground. patriotism, the conscience and the experience of the Lebanese people not to fall back into tragedies ".

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